On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 09:54:49PM +0100, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mark de Wever schrieb:
> > I've no more features to add (at least not for 1.4 ;-)), so I slowly
> > start to get into debug mode. Still hope to get mp campaigns workable
> > before 1.4.
> Will you need new strings for this, you know, interface stuff and such?

It used to work, so it should only be bugfixing and I don't expect new

> > I haven't played with the new campaigns, but do we want to ship them
> > all in 1.4? If not we should tell the translators not to focus on the
> > stuff we want to remove.
> I think so far we said that all currently included campaigns should be shipped
> in 1.4. That is at least what was the result of some short discussion in
> #wesnoth-dev and what I already mailed the translators about two months ago 
> (cf.
> https://mail.gna.org/public/wesnoth-i18n/2007-10/msg00013.html ). I think all

To quote a part of that mail:
"Probably all of the current campaigns in trunk will be in 1.4.x."
so would be nice to do a final judgement now. Especially The Hammer of
Thursagan since it's quite new, is it mainline quality? I haven't played it and
probably won't any time soon. (My Wesnoth playing time has been greatly
reduced since I started to code.) 

> What is the status of UtbS, will it be all right for 1.4 or do we have some
> major problems with it. Is someone currently maintaining it or is it just 
> "prey
> that it works as expected"?

UtbS also concerns me, I still hope it can be fixed before 1.4.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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