Aleksi, Timothy,

Some of the Wesnoth developers have expressed some concerns to me about
the status of Wesnoth music development.

It seems that some people have attempted to contribute music tracks to
Wesnoth, by posting them on the Wesnoth music forums. However, though
their tracks were thought to be high quality by a certain measure of
opinions, neither of you have approved or commented on the tracks. Since
you are currently seen as being the 'gate keepers' of music, this has
made contributors frustrated, because it seems unclear how they can
possibly have their contributions used, regardless of its quality.

Both of you have made valued contributions to Wesnoth in the past.
However, it is inevitable that in any project, people will lose
interest, or become too busy to continue contributing. In such a case,
it is important to us to transition responsibility to 'new blood' that
is still enthusiastic.

So, I would like to ask each of you: do you still want to be the lead
music developers? Do you still want to vet music contributions and
decide what is added to Wesnoth? Or, would you prefer to hand over this
responsibility to someone else? If you still want to be involved in
deciding music contributions, then we need to decide a way for you to
review submissions and give contributors a response regarding the
acceptability of their music.

Your answer is appreciated.


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