No need, I'm on the list ;)


jeremy rosen wrote:
> would you like to contact him yourself ?
> On Feb 11, 2008 8:15 PM, Aleksi Aubry-Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hello Jeremy,
>        I visited the forums today and i was actually thinking that West
>     could be a good moderator. I think its a good idea!
>     Aleksi.
>     2008/2/11, jeremy rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>         I'd like to nominate West as a new music maintainer (assuming he
>         agrees for that role, I'm posting here before PMing him on the
>         forum)
>         we've discussed it on IRC and no one complained. he's the most
>         active in the music forums, and his C&C are usually pretty good...
>         any objections ?
>         On Feb 4, 2008 6:20 PM, David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>             Aleksi,
>             Thank you for your response. I would like to remind you that
>             we have
>             thoroughly enjoyed the high quality music you've created for
>             Wesnoth,
>             and would look forward to more music that you feel inspired
>             to create
>             for Wesnoth.
>             We will try to move forward with finding someone to moderate
>             music
>             submissions to Wesnoth.
>             David
>             On Mon, 2008-02-04 at 12:18 +0100, Aleksi Aubry-Carlson wrote:
>             >  Dear David,
>             >
>             >
>             >     I perfectly understand the frustration some forum
>             members feel.
>             >  I've been very busy these last two years and as you can
>             see, i never
>             >  had time to take care of the Music section. I think it is
>             best to pass
>             >  on to new comers. I still plan to add more music to
>             Wesnoth, but more
>             >  towards this summer because my schedules is already booked
>             up until
>             >  then. I'm sorry for not paying attention to other
>             contributors... When
>             >  you've got a lot of projects going on, it is hard to keep
>             up with
>             >  everything.
>             >
>             >
>             >  So, I'll step down as a moderator, but will still be
>             around to add
>             >  music from time to time.
>             >
>             >
>             >  Best regards,
>             >
>             >
>             >  Aleksi.
>             >
>             >  2008/2/4, David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>             >          Aleksi, Timothy,
>             >
>             >          Some of the Wesnoth developers have expressed some
>             concerns to
>             >          me about
>             >          the status of Wesnoth music development.
>             >
>             >          It seems that some people have attempted to
>             contribute music
>             >          tracks to
>             >          Wesnoth, by posting them on the Wesnoth music
>             forums. However,
>             >          though
>             >          their tracks were thought to be high quality by a
>             certain
>             >          measure of
>             >          opinions, neither of you have approved or
>             commented on the
>             >          tracks. Since
>             >          you are currently seen as being the 'gate keepers'
>             of music,
>             >          this has
>             >          made contributors frustrated, because it seems
>             unclear how
>             >          they can
>             >          possibly have their contributions used, regardless
>             of its
>             >          quality.
>             >
>             >          Both of you have made valued contributions to
>             Wesnoth in the
>             >          past.
>             >          However, it is inevitable that in any project,
>             people will
>             >          lose
>             >          interest, or become too busy to continue
>             contributing. In such
>             >          a case,
>             >          it is important to us to transition responsibility
>             to 'new
>             >          blood' that
>             >          is still enthusiastic.
>             >
>             >          So, I would like to ask each of you: do you still
>             want to be
>             >          the lead
>             >          music developers? Do you still want to vet music
>             contributions
>             >          and
>             >          decide what is added to Wesnoth? Or, would you
>             prefer to hand
>             >          over this
>             >          responsibility to someone else? If you still want
>             to be
>             >          involved in
>             >          deciding music contributions, then we need to
>             decide a way for
>             >          you to
>             >          review submissions and give contributors a
>             response regarding
>             >          the
>             >          acceptability of their music.
>             >
>             >          Your answer is appreciated.
>             >
>             >          David
>             >
>             >
>             >
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