On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 14:46:35 -0500,
> Quoting Noy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Eh, I'm quite equivocal about this one. Allowing the creation of rooms
> > can help reduce the clutter of messages on screen which has been a
> > problem since 1.0 came out. Thats a real problem which needs
> > addressing, but I believe creating a room system, though helpful to
> > that specific problem, creates several others which warrant serious
> > discussion.
> In my view, creating a room system is absolutely necessary, because of  
> this very problem.

What about having a view system instead of actual rooms. So that each player
can see their own view of the chat room. Players could tag themselves
with properties such as languages, favorite race, preferred number of
players in a game, preferred type of play (team, everyone for themselves)
and also have a way to describe filters based on tags of the people you
wanted to see. There could be some some sort of way to use alternate
filters if the primary filter returned too many hits (possibly at random).
And you could also have a friends list of people to always show.

> > Thats exactly the situation I want to avoid, because
> > it doesn't make the game better, it just adds more parochialism. In
> > the BR case, almost all left at once, except for the one or two who
> > actually did try to break out of the narrow group of friends.
> ...it's good that they left? Wouldn't it have been better if they  
> could have had their own room to service their needs and develop their  
> own community?

Because this seems kind of negative about BR players, I would like to note
that one night I ran accross some people speaking Portuegese (I mistakenly
thought they were speaking Spanish, which I don't speak either, but know
a few words) and they were polite to me.

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