Hello All

For the past couple of days, I have been fleshing out our Summer of Code
page at http://wiki.wesnoth.org/SummerOfCodeIdeas

organisations can now register at
http://code.google.com/soc/2008/org_signup.html and the questions they asked
are quite close to the ones we've prepared on our wiki page mentionned above

(that's the good news)

The bad news is that I am overbooked this week, and I cannot guarentee I
will be able to have any wesnoth time until it's too late for the GSoC

Though most of the job is done, someone has to finish it for me.

I will NOT be able to submit the form myself, so someone else has to do it.

So, everybody please go to the wiki page mentionned above and do a little
job. There's not much to do.

* All developers (not just coders) should have a section in the "who to bug
on IRC" section to allow newcomers to join
* Anybody can redact the sections about the project, in particular the
section describing what is wesnoth
* and last we need someone to direct the effort
  * finish redacting what nobody else tackles
  * post something in the moderator forum so we have a title ready for the
students that will want to apply
  * send the form to google.

please, pretty please, could someone volunteer to do that ? it's not a big
job, and it will be done at the end of the week.
and please volunteer today. We don't have much time..

I have been doing most of the job myself this week, but can't do more

It would really be a shame if we missed GSoC this year

(on an unrelated note, we don't mention anywhere that Sirp works at google,
and that the sort of info we want to put in. Google explicitely say they
will favor projects where they know someone...)

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