On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:22:29AM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Mark de Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 09:06:48AM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > > I think we should shorten our stable-release interval to 6 months.
> >
> > Personally I think the current cycle of about one year is rather nice. A
> > release costs quite some resources for final polishing. Which means the
> > effective time for developing new features will be reduced.
> Frankly I think that might be a good thing.  We should be doing new features
> in small, well-contained pieces.  Anything that takes most of a year
> to implement was probably architecturally wrong to begin with.

>From a developer point of view i don't care much about the length of our 
cycle, i find it ok either way. For me neither 6 months is too short nor 1 year
is too long.

>From a translator point a view i saw a problem in the 1.4 release cycle : a 
amount of string changed/were added and we didn't had enought time to catch up.
In fact, unlike 1.2 and 1.0, none of our translation teams could manage to get
100% of the strings translated.
Maybe with a shorter cycle we'll have less strings will be added/changed so it
would be easier to finish the translation.
Btw i thing this problem has nothing to do with the length of the 1.4 release
cycle, it just that we added too much stuff at once. We should probably be more
careful in the future, not adding that much stuff at once.

> > If we get accepted for SoC this is impossible since the end date for SoC
> > is the 18th of Augustus. Personally I think this might be a nice point
> > to do a bug stomp party.
> Good point.  Revised proposal follows:
> Present -> 18 May: Open development
> 19 May -> 26 May:  "Week of Bug-Stomping" -- soft feature freeze in effect
> 27 May -> 18 July: Open development
> 19 July -> 18 Aug: Feature freeze, bug stomping, translations
> 19 Aug:  1.6 release
> I think this is worth a try at least once.  If it proves too constraining
> we could go back to a 12-month cycle, but I don't think it will.

Here i think we might a problem with dates.
>From mid July to mid August we'll probably have less than 50% of the translator
around here because they'll be on the beach rather than on their computers.

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