Welcome Nicolas,

Firstly I'd like to say that I think Eric's advice is excellent.

Becoming a contributor to an already running, in motion open source  
project is actually a lot of work, and has a high failure rate, even  
for an experienced programmer. It takes a decent amount of time and  
effort to get 'up to speed'.

I would recommend following Eric's advice and looking at the  
'EasyCoding' page. Also, hang out on #wesnoth-dev on irc.freenode.net.  
People come up with little requests for things to be done all the  
time. Look for something someone wants, try and see if you can  
implement it, submit a patch. Do this a few times, and in no time at  
all, hopefully you'll be a valued part of the community!

If you've got experience on embedded devices, we'd love for someone to  
investigate the feasibility of porting Wesnoth to the iPhone/iPod  
Touch. But that could probably wait until you're more familiar with  
the code.

A developer who can work on both clients and servers effectively is  
also something very valuable for us. For instance, there are a number  
of improvements to both the multiplayer server and the add-on server  
that we'd love to have. Once again, #wesnoth-dev is probably the best  
place to come to discuss.

....and of course there are many, many other areas for improvement  
that we'd love to have contributions in. :)


Quoting "Eric S. Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Nicolas Grunbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>                                                  I was hoping that
>> if I described my areas of knowledge that people could recommend
>> something I could get my feet wet with, while not stepping on toes or
>> doing unnecessary work.
>> I am professionally a developer that has worked mainly on large
>> servers and on embedded stacks in c++.
>> I have not done any Windows development, my primary work environments
>> being OS X and Linux.
>> I have some experience with profiling and unit testing.
>> I have very little python experience.
> You sound very well qualified, actually.  Your lack of Windows experience
> is not an issue, as most of our Windows dependencies are confined either
> within SDL (which we use but don't hack) or in filesystem.cpp, which is
> pretty stable.  Weak Python chops aren't a problem either; between elias
> and Sapient and myself we have enough Python wizardry to cover our needs.
> Your embedded C++ experience, on the other hand, is exactly the sort of
> expertise we're chronically short of.  We need more people who are
> better C++ coders than me :-).
> Have you seen the EasyCoding page on the wiki yet?
>      http://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/EasyCoding
> We've made an effort to describe C++ coding tasks we think are relatively
> easy and provide a good entry to the code.
> On the other hand, if you're interested in learning more Python, one
> of our other to-dos that you sound well equipped for is translating
> the campaign server to Python (not the MP game server, but the simpler
> one that serves addons).  This one has been on my list, but the
> ability to rapidly grasp what the existing C++ is doing is probably
> more important than extreme Python fluency and you might have an edge
> there.
> I suggest you hang out on the #wesnoth-dev list at irc.freenode.net.  Many
> project devs, including me, will usually be available there to give you
> a bit of real-time guidance.
> --
>               <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
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> Wesnoth-dev mailing list
> Wesnoth-dev@gna.org
> https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/wesnoth-dev

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