I am not sure what you mean by "campaign of wesnoth" but since you are
a CS major I assume you want to join the wesnoth project as a coder...

here is a couple of advice on how to join us

1) compile wesnoth yourself, it will familiarize you with SVN, the wiki etc...
2) join us on the #wesnoth-dev chan, and start chatting along, we are
a community before being a project and getting along with us is an
important step
3) play the game (apparently you already do, i'm mentionning this as a
general guideline) knowing what you like and don't like will help a
lot for the next step
4) find something to code, either by asking around in the IRC chan or
by looking at the feature requests or the EasyCoding page on the wiki.
The proposals on the wiki have been validate by adev and are good
ideas that you can implement right away. Feature requests are more
random, as anybody can add them, so you should ask around in
#wesnoth-dev before coding to make sure we actually want the feature
5) once you have some code change, submit it at patches.wesnoth.org
for review (guidelines are on the forum, on the coder's corner
section) After a couple of patches, you might get commit access


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Patrick A. O'Hare
<patrick.oh...@live.longwood.edu> wrote:
>  Hello,
> My name is Patrick O'Hare, I am a Sophomore at Longwood University.  I am a
> Computer Science major, and for my Software Engineering class our teacher
> wants us to contribute to an Open source project.  I am a big fan of Wesnoth
> and would like to contribute to the project. I was wondering if I could
> contribute to the campaign of Wesnoth. Thank You very much for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Patrick O'Hare
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