This web, "" as the name said (raco catala = Catalan corner) is a 
web which are supporting the ideology to annex definitively Valencian to 
Catalan. The use of ".cat" instead of ".es" means that the web support the 
Catalan nationalism (they want to separate from Spain ".es"), you put me a 
non-oficial web...
Statute of Autonomy say in article 7.1: The two official idiom of the 
Autonomous Community are Valencian and Castillian.: Well, Castilian and Spanish 
is the same because Castile is inside Spain (and this language became official 
in all Spain), but Valencian Comunity is inside Catalonia? I think no.
Well, following the oficial theory about Valencian... the Valencian Council of 
Culture (a part of the local government) said in 1998, Law of Creation of AVL:
b. The denomination "Valencian" and also the denominations "own language for 
the Valencians" o "Valencian language" or others, supported by the historical 
Valencian tradition, the popular use, o the current legality, don't have to be 
an object of question or polemic. Every words serve to design our own language.
c. The Valencian, historical and own language of Valencian Comunity is inside 
of the linguistic sistem formed by the correspondents languages acording to 
Statutes of Autonomy in the ancient Aragon Crown recognize as own language...
A linguistic system is a group of languages with the same origins like 
Galician/Portuguese, Czech/Slovak, Serbian/Croatian...
The AVL in 2003 said in his "Insititutional Declaration about the name...":
1. The denomination of Valencian is traditional, historical, legal, statutary 
and the most adapted in order to Institutional Use.
Inside their dictamen said:
1. ...Inside this set of speeches (ancient Aragon Crown less Aragon), the 
Valencian has the same hierarchy and dignity as any territorial modality of the 
linguistic system, and it presents an own characteristics that AVL will 
preserve and promote...
Another point of view inside the oficial version said that the 
Catalan-Valencian is a language which have two standards: Catalan from 
Barcelona (following the academy IEC) and Valencian from Valencia 
(following the academy AVL)...
This is the law... your web isn't official, follow pro-Catalan ideas and all of 
their pages say you what you have to interpret of the official texts... I think 
and I hope the people see what kind of page is this.
I write you the laws in English because the original is in official Valencian:
Well, it's true I follow RACV, the oldest academy with the title "Royal" gave 
by the Spanish King and inside the "Institute of Spain" (it's important this 
characteristics)... the Valencian defended by RACV was used by local 
government at the beginnings of the Spanish democracy in the education and 
official texts but after they decided to create another academy (AVL) with 
other ideas... although the local government still subsidize (pay to) RACV, to 
mantain an historical valencian institution and to preserve the existence of 
other ideas...
In conclusion, legally the name of the language is "Catalan-Valencian" if you 
put Catalan you are refering to the standard from Barcelona and if you put 
Valencian you are refering to the standard from Valencian. RACV, following an 
idea of AVL, said that Valencian is inside a linguistic system with Catalan and 
Occitan (the Occitan isn't include in AVL) and following another idea of AVL 
Valencian has the same hierachy and dignity as Catalan... The ideological 
difference between RACV and AVL is that the first one think that Catalan and 
Valencian are two sister-languages and AVL said that Valencian is another 
standard from the language "Catalan-Valencian" (not only Catalan)
Follow the idea what you want, I can put many pages defending my ideas but this 
isn't the issue, the issue is the name... your proposal is wrong because it's 
against the legality and the reality of my translation and this name confuses 
the players, the proposal names of my translation:
Valencian translation (following the legality and a non-political name)
Valencian (RACV) translation (indicating the ortography used, which was legally 
correct and used at the beginings of the democracy in Spain, it isn't invented) 
Another one?

If the Catalan translation want to aglutinate both official standards his name 
has be changed to "Catalan-Valencian translation" or we can let the 
possibility to another translation into "Valencian (AVL) translation" following 
the another ortography for the Valencian which is the official now.
I remind to developers that Esperanto isn't oficcial in any country and is an 
artifical language (whereas RACV not) and this translation has the same right 
to the other languages and to the Valencian (RACV) ;)
Have a good day
Coordinator of Valencian ¿(RACV)? translation
Mario (Mavorte)

--- El mié, 1/10/08, Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

De: Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asunto: Re: [Wesnoth-dev] About the name of my translation (to all developers)
Para: "Mario Rodrÿffffedguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: miércoles, 1 octubre, 2008 4:03

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 10:02:49PM +0000, Mario Rodrÿffffedguez wrote:
> Spanish laws say that the language used in Valencian Comunity is Valencian
(look its Statute)

Perhaps you're referring to article 7.1.  If anyone's interested in
what the
legal text really says, the first row in this table can be checked:  (with link to the official

>... Following the AVL

It's interesting that you mention the AVL, because they explicitly
you.  The relevant reference is in the second row of:  (again, with link to the official

> It's true that I follow the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture (RACV),
an academy founded in 1915 (the oldest Valencian Academy),
> Furthermore, RACV is inside "Institute of Spain" (association of
Spanish academies) and have the title "Royal" gave by
> the Spanish King (AVL doesn't have these historical privileges)...

And in spite of the title, nobody in the academical/scientific or legal world
paid any attention to their theories.  The world is so unfair...

As I said before, please present these kind of arguments to the relevant
authorities, then (when you managed to convince them) come back with references
proving you did.

You can start with the ones listed here:

> but if you want, to be more accurate I propose the name: "Valencian
(RACV) translation"

I support you in translating to any language you like, including stuff the
RACV has invented, or inventions of any other sort (e.g. Klingon).

However, what you're trying to do is usurp the "Valencian" name
for a
translation that is simply _not_ Valencian.  Any Valencian speaker that
has been taught Valencian grammar in school would be able to identify a
huge number of "mistakes" in your translation.

So if your goal is really to just provide this translation instead of
spreading confusion among good-faith users, please find a name that doesn't
lead them to believe this is Valencian.

> I propose you many solutions:
> a. Catalan translation and Valencian translation
> b. Catalan-Valencian translation and Valencian (RACV) translation
> I'm opening to other proposals... But I think it isn't more
diplomatic threaten to remove my data

Ok, if you want other proposals, here is mine:

  - ca.po               -> Catalan

  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -> Valencian (southern Catalan)

  - racv.po             -> RACV's language

Robert Millan

  The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when
  how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
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