On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 07:47:52PM +0000, Mario Rodrÿffffedguez wrote:
> This web, "racocatala.cat" as the name said (raco catala = Catalan corner) is 
> a web which are supporting the ideology to annex definitively Valencian to 
> Catalan. The use of ".cat" instead of ".es" means that the web support the 
> Catalan nationalism (they want to separate from Spain ".es"), you put me a 
> non-oficial web...

I repeat, keep the politics off the list.  The URL I gave you is a list of
references to official documents or statements (with links to official

I don't care about your ad hominem analisys of the website that hosts it,
and I'm not going to engage in a discussion about politics.

> b. The denomination "Valencian" and also the denominations "own language for 
> the Valencians" o "Valencian language" or others, supported by the historical 
> Valencian tradition, the popular use, o the current legality, don't have to 
> be an object of question or polemic. Every words serve to design our own 
> language.
> [...]
> 1. The denomination of Valencian is traditional, historical, legal, statutary 
> and the most adapted in order to Institutional Use.

Indeed, "Valencian" is a valid name for referring to the southern variant of
Catalan.  Nobody put that into question.

I repeat, the problem is _your_ translation not having anything to do with
Valencian.  This is a language the RACV invented in the 70s and pretends to
pass as if it were Valencian.  Since the whole academical/scientifical world,
the whole legal world and basically anything mainstream isn't following, I
understand that its supporters (e.g. you) try to use Wesnoth (and other
free software projects) as a means to expand their niche community.

And yes, I do believe this niche community deserves having and using their
own translations if that makes them happy.

However, would you please not pretend they're translations to Valencian?  They
are not.

> [...] is in official Valencian: 
> http://www.avl.gva.es/img/EdicionsPublicacions/AcordsGenerals/NOMENTITAT.pdf

Good.  So you concede that there is an official Valencian, and that it
happens to be used in government (gva.es) websites.

> Well, it's true I follow RACV [...]

And you admit that you weren't using it for the translation.

See?  It was easy.  Now please act in consequence and stop demanding that
your translation to RACV's language be called Valencian.  Find another name,
and another gettext code that doesn't collide with [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I sent
a suggestion earlier, in case that helps.

Robert Millan

  The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when (and
  how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
  still allow you to remove your data and not access it at all."

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