On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 08:00:27PM +0100, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everybody!
> Since I hope to soon get closer to 1.6, I would now like to ask everyone of 
> you
> some questions to be able to somehow determin a possible schedule for 1.6:
> 1) What stuff are you currently working on?

The new widgets.

> 2) How long will it take you to complete the work and have it in a well 
> polished
> state so that it can be included in a stable series?

The widgets don't need to be fully converted they can be used with the
old widgets. This will make the code more ugly (we now have four
generations of widget code instead of three).

> 3) Which problems do you know about that *have* to be fixed before we can even
> think about releasing 1.6?

The AI bugs.

> 4) What features do you think we should wait for with 1.6, even if they would
> delay the release?

The new dialogs with the portraits Kitty made should really be done
before 1.6 can be considered.

As said before I won't be able to get the widgets done with the current
rough schedule of 1.6 in the beginning of 2009. If we want the new
widgets to be fully ready I expect that the release will be pushed to
the second half of 2009 (maybe even later). So I think it's not worth
waiting until the widgets are finished. Anybody thinks we should wait
until they are finished? (If we wait the order on which I do things
doesn't matter otherwise I need to reevaluate the priorities.)

I just put up a new feature page [1], it would be nice if all developers
(not only coders) can add their list as well.

[1] http://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/Wesnoth1.6Features

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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