Wow, this seems really great, I just want to add two more parameters
(maybe it was implied by the ... above but I just wanted to make sure it
is not forgotten):
- Do my units ZoC affect units of side X
- Does the side share defeat (and notice how this is not the same as not
sharing victory)

Moving on to the how, I think mostly on how this should be expressed in
WML (not GUI, since I imagine most games still will want to be played
with fixed settings, otherwise the whole wesnoth experience will change
dramatically and content-devs can create their own menus in the

I think it is important (as has been done) to use the perspective of the
current side...

So, something like (and if you read my reply to this on the forums, you
will see that I changed the perspective here for 2 keys): 
      capture_my_village = yes | no | neutralize
      share_my_fog = yes | no
      share_my_shroud = yes | no
      share_my_victory = yes | no
      share_my_defeat = yes | no
      attack_my_units = yes | no
      zoc_affect_them = yes | no

Also, and slightly unrelated I would like to push for the [lock]-tag,
just put whatever whatever you want in the lock tag and it wont be
modifiable by the players only by WML). Like that we don't need all the
"lock_???" parameters or the unrenamable=yes (there are probably others
as well)


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