First, I know that this idea sounds very far fetched at the first sight.
So please give it a second thought, maybe sleep a night over it before 
calling me an unworthy prat.

Assume we enhance Wesnoth's editor by the same event system like that of 
the game engine.
But the events would not be called "moveto" or "last breath" but 
"terrain/unit/item/whatever placed" or  "tool x selected".

That events go into a [editor] tag which can be loaded into the editor 
like the game loads campaigns or scenarios.
The action WML inside the editor events would work like [insert_tag] and 
support [message] + [options] to ask about what is wanted and allow to 
add some WML coding to the edited map.
The Wesnoth eclipse plugin should support the coding of the [editor] 

That way UMC designers are able to create editor templates for certain 
types of Wesnoth scenarios like survivals for example.
The designer that uses the template would be able to create such a 
scenario without the need to touch WML at all.

Keep in mind that the framework for doing this is in place already. So 
this is only a medium hard coding task.

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