Hey Patrick

While I can certainly sympathize with your viewpoint, I don't think its constructive or useful at present. This is a contentious area, one which was going to attract controversy. There are understandable perspectives on both sides and Rusty has expressed his. There isn't a need to malign him for it. Lets deal with it and move on as professionally as possible.


On 10-Jul-10, at 10:52 PM, Patrick Parker wrote:

If Dave and the other developers and users really wanted to turn this game into a Battle against Apple, then I would be OK with that. But since they clearly don't, and this port was officially blessed from the beginning, and there was plenty of time to object to it before (but you didn't), I can't help but see this as anything more than a selfish move on your part right now. If that is really your attitude then I look forward to seeing your name struck out of the credits.


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