On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 03:22:05 pm Patrick Parker wrote:
> Hi Rusty,
> Since you are not currently actively involved in Wesnoth development, you may 
> not realize that there has been some discussion among the developers already, 
> in #wesnoth-dev IRC channel and several threads on the forums, for example. 
> The existence of iPhone development in particular was not a secret and has 
> been known for some time now.
> However, I agree that this new FSF GPL issue should have been brought up by 
> now on the developer mailing list, and that was an oversight which I'm glad 
> has now been corrected. That was a mistake in my opinion. On the other hand, 
> discussing legal matters in a public format seems risky for those who aren't 
> legal experts, so maybe you can understand the wariness involved?

Oh absolutely.  This discussion is going to waste a lot of everyone's time,
and I'm dreading it.

> Having said that, I really don't sympathize with your arguments. You 
> essentially are saying that you want Battle for Wesnoth to be used as a tool 
> in the "Freeness" war against Apple, regardless of the wishes of the Lead 
> Developer of Wesnoth, the active developers of Wesnoth, or the Wesnoth 
> userbase itself. To me that seems selfish, not selfless.

I worked on Wesnoth because it was a Free game.  I want to encourage Freeness,
and helping Wesnoth seemed like a good way to do that.  Or, if you prefer,
"a tool in the "Freeness" war".

As to selfish: definitely!  As a coder I want to reduce barriers to accessing
the internals of stuff I use.  Spreading the Freeness meme makes that
increasingly possible.

I realize that others have different priorities, but that's why we have a
license, and a common understanding of what it means.  

> and there was plenty of time to object to it before (but you didn't), I can't 
> help but see this as anything more than a selfish move on your part right 
> now. If that is really your attitude then I look forward to seeing your name 
> struck out of the credits.

I definitely regret the delay :(  I knew nothing about Apple's licensing
issues, nor did I follow wesnoth development outside the wesnoth-dev mailing

I apologize if you see this as an attack.  If I believed that compromising on
licensing here helped my selfish goals, I'd support it.

Hope that helps,

Wesnoth-dev mailing list

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