As far as the Whiteboard goes, it's mostly functional and problem-free.
There are a few windows-only bugs (reported by Anonymissimus and somewhat
confirmed by Timotei) that have proved hard to squish, however. I'll to
address them during the Christmas vacation or in early January. I don't know
exactly which combination of compiler/windows os they affect though: 1.9.2
whiteboard works fine on my windows 7 machine.

Apart from that I think the Whiteboard needs more polishing to the UI before
it can considered a sufficiently non-intrusive replacement for "delay shroud
updates". Not many people seem to have tried it yet, despite my (admittedly
light) advertisement on the forums. The best would be to have it's network
part ready (that's kind of the killer feature) before the next stable
release, but I think I'll need help to achieve that since my next university
term will be rather heavy, as was this one.


2010/12/7 Timotei Dolean <>

> Well, there is already a dev release out there, so ppl can use the plugin
> :)
> Or, are you are talking about using the plugin in "production"?
> Timotei
> On 12/7/2010 14:50, Guillaume Melquiond wrote:
>> On 2010/12/7, Nils Kneuper wrote
>>  Now the longer term plans:
>> If Wesnoth is participating in GSoC 2011, then a new stable version
>> should be released before it. Otherwise, the next release won't happen
>> before mid-2012. Why? Because GSoC will presumably introduce
>> disruptive changes, as it always does. Let's take ANA as an example.
>> We are at the end of the year and it works only "okayish", as you
>> describe it (disabled on server? disabled on Windows? disabled on
>> Mac?). It will still take a few months to get it fixed, assuming it
>> ever gets fixed (think MP lobby, for instance). Let's be pragmatic:
>> the same phenomenon will happen next year, and in late 2011 the system
>> won't be any stabler than it currently is, pushing the release of 1.10
>> to mid-2012. In other words, that means a stable release every two
>> years.
>> If there is no GSoC next year, then there is no trouble delaying a
>> stable release, in my opinion. It's just unfortunate for the Eclipse
>> plugin, since it requires a dev release to work.
>> Best regards,
>> Guillaume
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