Godfrey, DMO, Alaka and all,

No subject of ideological difference for discussion here. 
DMO, I see your conscious with time is proper. Surely 6.45 was 2 bottles 
(1000ml) into the beer time. This may be annoying but Emailing at beer or 
Heineken time like this is better as it seems to bring endless questions to the 
mind. Godfrey and Alaka, forgive me if these questions sting beer:-

Is all the poor performance in primary and secondary schools in WN actually 
pointing to poor funding only?

If so, have the private schools in the region offered better solution to this 

But if not, what could the other issues be, that may be achieved with no or 
least incremental funds?

What stops teachers in Ombaci and Yole from getting similar relative motivation 
and facilitation like Budo or Kibibi? Or even students?

Mvara to Arua is just like Budo is to Mpigi district, while Namirembe Hill View 
on gayaza road is just like Mandela in Giligili area; 2 public and 2 private 
schools respectively in different geo-locations. Surely Budo despite a public 
school is still better than the private Namirembe Hill view yet both are same 
distance in Km from the City Centre. Why? Mvara is still better than private 
Mandela but not Budo. Why? Does it matter if capitalized by Alaka or Ozu bros 
(as directors) instead of the user or community through (PTA members = Board of 

What does it take to achieve relative motivation and facilitation?

Is more funding required?

If yes, how can it be achieved in view of the declining public schools funding?

Is increasing fees a solution (despite UPE and USE)?

Is there any policy or rules that prevents incremental fees payments by parents 
under both UPE and USE?

If so are these policies or rules cast in stone that PTAs can not influence 
positive provisions and enlighten their communities?

Is there need and possibility to support PTAs in directing such initiatives?   

If the fees are increased or even have been increased, is there any guarantee 
that they are properly used by school management?

What is required to optimize the proper use of incremental fees paid by parents 
(in both primary and secondary)?

Is school management going to use any incremental fees better to support both 
teacher and student motivation / facilitation?

If not what guarantees are there that such increases are better used?

Or what is required to ensure better use of increased fees?

If schools operate with relative autonomy where is the point of bureaucracy?

Is it possible that any bureaucratic cases in such schools with relative 
autonomy are just based on ignorance or greed? 

Is it not possible and practical to have such cases changed through 
enlightenment of the school heads, owners in the case of private ones, and 
board of directors (or PTAs)?

Can OBs associations help in such awareness programmes alongside other 
associations like Alaka and Mundua Bros’, MASU, WENSA, MASA, TASU, ACA, 
More for tomorrow on another Heineken, else the writing quality changes as 
Heinekens tend to infinity…
But i still hold my original views on this matter.
Best regards,


Robert Obetia


Subject: RE: [WestNileNet] Collapse of Mvar, a Ombachi, Pokea, Nyapea, Ediofe, 
Muni, Wari, St.lwanga.
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:39:11 +0300
From: godfrey.mun...@standardchartered.com
To: westnilenet@kym.net

I agree with you on efficient management and regular inspection of schools 
although I am not sure if you are aware that management of public institutions 
in Uganda is by bureaucracy. You may probably take years to push these ideas 
through a public school. I like your suggestion for comparative study to 
understand why Ombaci can not replicate what the Budos etc are doing….but you 
will realize that the contrast is centered around motivation, facilities, 
attitude etc which all yields down to level of funding. 
You have also deliberately underscored my argument or quoted me out of context 
in my effort in trying to direct able bodied investors like you to put a few 
shillings in building schools. I am not oblivious of the fact that poverty 
levels in our area is high and but do not support the quest for a socialist 
approach on mass handling. It is not true that private schools are only for the 
rich (rich is relative term) and infact our ailing schools are not cheap. Do 
you know that the fees in all these schools is over UGX 300k compared to the 
average of UGX 500K in Kampala. 
The other factor we need to consider is the point of intervention. As an 
engineer you are familiar with foundations and you will agree with me that if 
Ombaci lowered its cutoff points for intake to S1 from aggregate 13 to 5 or 6 
like Budo, they would probably end up with the same results at O level.  The 
current performance at primary level is so bad that actually the secondary 
schools have no choice but to take half baked students who end up perpetuating 
poor results. A number of issues are at a miss at UPE schools and these can 
only be driven at policy level. I doubt if the school management committee that 
comprises of the PTA and the HMs are even close to guessing what is happening 
to their own schools….
Thank you,

From: westnilenet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:westnilenet-boun...@kym.net] On 
Behalf Of robert obetia
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 1:42 PM
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile
Subject: RE: [WestNileNet] Collapse of Mvar, a Ombachi, Pokea, Nyapea,Ediofe, 
Muni, Wari, St.lwanga.
Gentlemen and Ladies,
Godfrey, If the problem and solution to poor performances is viewed along your 
line of analysis only, then we can sit and say let people get rich and build 
good schools, let people go to private schools and pass, let everyone afford to 
go for schools in Kampala or Mukono or South Africa and UK, etc. I think 
whether capitalism or globalization, there is the element of patriotism in 
Alaka’s or Okuni’s quest for better performance in West Nile. Even the highest 
capitalism is on bailouts. Sorry I have no intention to take the discussion 
I think what you want acknowledged is that fact that declining financial 
support for education in the country is becoming the root cause to many other 
aspects that eventually lead to poor performance. Right, I agree. So we should 
not look for difficult solutions that will bring state of despair among the 
concerned. Let us look at why Kisubi, Gayaza, Budo, Namugongo (of similar roots 
as Ombaci, Mvara, Nyapea) do it differently. These schools still have the same 
ownership (correct me if wrong). Then we can also have Maryland Vs Arua Academy 
or Namirembe Hill Side Vs Mandela on the side of purely private schools. And I 
believe privatization is not the only solution in this case. School managements 
with PTAs still run with the level of autonomy like private entities in this 
country do. And it is not difficult to inject more money in Ombaci or Mvara in 
form of extra fees (determined by PTAs) than think about private schools as a 
solution.  Plus I think people have been paying fees long before. 
So what about: teacher quality, teacher’s guides, proper textbooks, teacher 
unfavorable working conditions in rural areas, pupil/student motivations AND I 
INSPECTIONS. Minds like yours just need to penetrate PTAs in your own homes of 
Arua, Yumbe, Koboko, Moyo, Adjumani, Nebbi and Nyadri. Once in a year visit to 
your HM and PTA chairman of Ambidro or Koyi or Arua Hill Primary school is not 
bad. Sometimes we contribute bags of cement more generously to these schools 
and forget about the most important “WORDS OF ADVISE AND ENCOURAGEMENT” . 
Best regards,
Robert Obetia

Subject: RE: [WestNileNet] Collapse of Mvar, a Ombachi, Pokea, Nyapea, Ediofe, 
Muni, Wari, St.lwanga.
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:45:01 +0300
From: godfrey.mun...@standardchartered.com
To: westnilenet@kym.net

The reason for poor performance is simple, times have changed as you are all 
aware that modernity in a typical capitalist world is a demise to the poor. 
Where as standards of the Mvaras, Ombacis etc is going down, there is parallel 
emergence of good performance from private schools in Kampala and around where 
performance rate is upto 90%. This scenario augments the point that the 
struggle for socio economic success in Uganda today is a private matter and any 
one who thinks the state will provide solutions to the deteriorating standards 
of education is a dreamer. Build your own good schools and get the results you 
expect. Some one will disagree with me on this and say it is the sole 
responsibility of the state to offer such fundamental responsibilities such as 
education, primary health care etc..but you in Uganda today, this is not the 
case. The fundamental point here is that poorly funded government schools can 
no longer cope with the standards and on all benchmarks across the board the 
private schools score higher; they have better remuneration, better facilities 
and even better students!!. 
There is an investment opportunity here which I believe will give the 
everlasting solution to the broader picture, the Alakas, Ejikus, Ezagas, James 
Nyakunis, the Ozuus, the Vices should cross check their current investment 
portfolios and look into this lucrative business. Our people are not exactly 
poor but many do not have the alternatives within their reach. Do you know how 
many parents living in West Nile have their children in schools here in Kampala?
UPE and USE where Westnile scores the highest enrollement is a recipe for 
disaster and a dangerous form by all designs. Do we expect to get more lawyers, 
engineers, doctors etc from the results we are seeing? The platform is wrong 
and negatively skewed to the disadvantage of the poor. 
Caleb, cause a formal debate over this issue and extract the various ideas to 
benefit the other stakeholders(business community , educations policy makers 

From: westnilenet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:westnilenet-boun...@kym.net] On 
Behalf Of francis.az...@finance.go.ug
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 5:02 PM
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Collapse of Mvar, a Ombachi, Pokea, Nyapea, 
Ediofe,Muni, Wari, St.lwanga.

You may peruse throught the figures gentlemen..Dont get blind as its really bad 
like Alaka has elaborated.


..a commitment to justice carries with it an obligation to disobey unjust laws.

-----westnilenet-boun...@kym.net wrote: -----
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <westnilenet@kym.net>
From: Patrick Oyulu <patrickoy...@gmail.com>
Sent by: westnilenet-boun...@kym.net
Date: 02/13/2009 04:31PM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Collapse of Mvar, a Ombachi, Pokea, Nyapea, Ediofe, 
Muni, Wari, St.lwanga.

You forgot Drajo... 

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Caleb Alaka < calebal...@yahoo.com > wrote: 

Gentlemen and Folks, 

When UNEB released this years PLE results, I looked at the Results of Arua Hill 
Primary School and Arua Demonstration School. The Performance of these schools 
were not only disturbing but clearly pointed to an irressistable inference that 
we were doomed.  However the worst was yet to come. This indeed did not take 
long when UNEB released the UCE and UACE. This time around, it was a 
catastrophy, Our pride was shattered. New Vision latter published a report 
about the performance of traditional schools. This was a research the NVPPC 
made. Mvara was declared clinically dead, while Ombachi was in a coma. On the 
rest Pathologists were carrying out autopsies and were awaiting the R.I.P 
placards .The reseach pulbished the perfomance of traditional schools in the 
last 10 years. Mvara was in the catergory of schools which had taken a nose 
dive and where literally written off. Ombachi was described as a shadow.  Now 
folks, what do we do. why dont we brainstorm and rescue at least our pride if 
not the future of the next Acidri's, Idoru's,Mundua's, Ijiku's, Ajiku's, 
Okuni's, Obetia's, Jurua's, Azabo's, Ezaga's, Eyoki's, Draecabo's, Ayibo's, 
Drate's,Afimani's, Matenga's, Afema's Xavi's, D.M.O's, Ruffino's, Ojaku's, 
Alemi's, Draecabo's, Andua's, Onzivu's, including all our celebrated Doctors, 
Engineers, Educationists, Social Scientists, Scientists, and others. 


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