Wow,the responses are certainly getting bigger and better.Does Alaka the 
initiator realise that the people who have thus far contributed are already 
doing diagnosis and at times without intent providing solutions(interiom and 
long term in nature).I implore Counsel Alaka documents the pieces and bits of 
info already coming in so that with further discussion these could be built 
into actionable solutions.That said, could some one describe in general terms 
the conditions under which the majority of the debate contributors passed( and 
very well) in the late 80s and 90s. In the same vain the prevailing conditions 
now under which no body is virtually passing.the areas to look at may include 
but not limited to:Teacher training,motivation and conditions of living(pay, 
housing etc).Student motivation,behaviour and 
determination.Availability/absence of text books, reading condtions eg 
lighting, space.Feeding conditions in schools.Involvement of parents in the
 academic progress of their children.Quality of intake(note UPE)Teacher/Head 
teacher rotation.D.E.Os involvementThe evolution of privately paid institutions 
right from University Vis a vis the financial affluence of fees payers(you and 
I inclisive)etcetc.After such and more analysis we can find some of the 
problems by elimination method.Its 6.42 pm av to leave office. Droma M.O

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