Thanks Nelly for your appreciation although I did not participate. I hope the 
doors are not completely closed.
I would like to share a small and disheartening experience I went through 
recently when  out of sheer interest I interacted with five pupils of Ombaci 
Primary School, which runs the UPE programme. As I walked behind these pupils 
who were walking back home in the evening I became interested in their 
conversation and eventually and tectfully joined them.
Three out of the five pupils said they were in level (P) 4 and the other two in 
P.5. As we went on I was to discover that all these pupils could not correctly 
spell their names and neither could they sing the letters of the 
alphabet...a,b,c,d,etc,etc. This raised quite an alarm in my blood and I 
thought if I had time I should find a way to disguisingly attend some lessons 
in a few UPE schools to gauge the gravity of this problem.
Why I am raising this is since as CEFORD you have the FAL programme running 
through these schools, given the resources you may not target adults alone but 
all those interested. It is apparent that UPE which should have boasted of 
pupils achieving functional literacy seems to have failed on that basic.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous 2011.
Aggrey Adrale

--- On Fri, 17/12/10, Nelly Badaru <> wrote:

From: Nelly Badaru <>
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] APPRECIATION
To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <>
Date: Friday, 17 December, 2010, 9:33

Dear West Nilers,
Good evening to you all?
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of CEFORD beneficiaries, 
Council, Board, Management, Staff and the communities we work with, to THANK 
YOU very much for your generous support to make the first CEFORD Anniversary 
Dinner beyond expectations. Special thank to the organizing committee and the 
specialized teams of website, Anthem, Magazine, documentary and every one who 
contributed and volunteered selflessly to make the day.
Since this was the launch of a three year journey to mobilize resources for 
functional adult literacy to be established in primary schools inorder to 
improve performance, it is my sincere hope that as a community we shall take 
this forward. CEFORD will be happy to receive your ideas, comments, 
Again, thank you very much for your support.
Kind regards
Nelly Badaru


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