So y don't u just go out for coffee?
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Joseph Adrapi
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 10:39 AM
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [WestNileNet] Obama's Speech good 4 Entebbe Incident

Whatever anger you have i don`t think its in order to call someone "petty" on 
this forum and no body is a "saint" to claim to always be perfect on this forum.

--- On Mon, 1/17/11, Christine Munduru 
<<>> wrote:

From: Christine Munduru <<>>
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Obama's Speech good 4 Entebbe Incident
To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" 
Date: Monday, January 17, 2011, 11:23 PM
Dear Patrice,

Thanks for pointing this out and you are absolutely correct. Some people have 
nothing to say in many debates in this forum but they want to be noticed, so 
when somebody puts a comma in a wrong place, they start talking about that 
comma in a wrong place instead of debating the real issue. I have learnt to 
ignore such petty people on this forum.


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:03 AM, patrice mawa <MailScanner has detected a 
possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be<>>
Dear Mr Akile,

Sorry I haven't got time to read your Obama's speech but I think this is 
obviously not engaging in blame games but bringing out the facts as they stand. 
Even if it was a police officer from Koboko, why would it be a crime to say so? 
Let's call a spade a spade.


From: Sunday Akile <MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"" claiming to be<>>

To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <MailScanner has detected a 
possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be<>>
Sent: Thu, January 13, 2011 1:33:28 AM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Obama's Speech good 4 Entebbe Incident

Dearest Members,

As it has always been the case with me on this forum i read the correspondences 
from the back seat but this incident of Entebbe nearly provoked me to say 
something which i even didn't and became hesitant settled to read and assess 
what was thrown over and about. But that all said and arrangements for 
settlemnt of the victims underway, i find we should try to get a healing from 
the same and perhaps learn lessons from what has happened.

Please permit me to refer all of you who have deliberated vehemently over this 
issue in the course of the week to President Obama's memorial speech at Tucson 
Arizona last night.

In his words' at a time when our discourse becomes polarised we intend to lay 
blame on any one". The scripture tells us that we live in a world of evil and 
terrible things that happen defy human understanding such as this at Entebbe. 
Non of us can know with certainity what might have stopped these shots from 
being fired and with this lets not engage in blame games such as "one of the 
police is one of our own from MOYO" or Kayihura is bad............ All these 
add up to polarising our society.

Thank you.
Akile Sunday Igu Rocks

From: Vasco Oguzua <MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"" claiming to be<>>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <MailScanner has detected a 
possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be<>>
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 7:04:45 PM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] latest information from Entebbe

Thank you again for this update of events concerning the West Niler's killed by 
some police robbers. I still applaud you and the group for the leadership, 
resiliency and tenacity in dealing with this tragic issue. While I do applaud 
the Inspector General of Police for the quick response he has provided to calm 
the situation, I do not think the pain inflicted on the families of the 
deceased and the whole of West Nile community will go away. Much as the Police 
have taken the funeral expenses of the deceased, I believe they have not done 
us any favour by their offer. They are covering their back for the blatant 
wrongs they have done to the citizens they are supposed to protect.
Personally I do not see any reason and need for the President to be the one to 
discuss or get involved in the issues of compensation of the families of the 
affected victims. This clearly illustrates Institutional breakdown in Uganda. 
If the President has to be the one who determines the compensation of the 
victims, then I think the people have a rite to ask the president to explain 
why his Policemen have targeted the people of West Nile. The Police brutality 
must then equally be associated with the government brutality on the people of 
West Nile as the Police are agents of the government. The sons of West Nile 
with legal expertise should please help the team that will be responsible for 
the compensation and guide them so that they should get as mush as possible out 
of this tragedy. They should also help in following this case, because the 
Police could easily hood wink us by saying those arrested are still in Luzira , 
yet they are soon released and they same people could come back and even do 
more damage to the others still alive in revenge.
I would suggest that among issues that could be discussed are the children and 
widows of the people who died. The children should be provided free education 
till University level in very good schools, not those UPE and USE schools,  and 
the widows be provided a decent living allowance till their death,  for it is 
the government agents that destroyed the lives of the people who were 
responsible for providing for those children and widows.
As Fr. Ruffino suggested, the people should have a peaceful demonstration to 
bring to the attention of the Public about this Police Brutality, especially 
when some of the people involved were not even government agents. Who knows 
that might be something the Police have planned as a way to substitute their 
meagre government pay. Otherwise why would a professional and well facilitated 
Police personnel get involved in such criminal act?
This bad or tragic incidence could also be turned as an opportunity to educate 
our people about their human rights as citizens of Uganda under the laws of 
Uganda. It could be used to expose some of the sinister things the government 
and its agents have done to our people in general and the issues of the Barifa 
Land would easily come handy to illustrate some of the wrongs done by 
government agents against the people of West Nile. Especially, I would think 
that a peaceful demonstration in Arua, Yumbe and Rhino Camp would be in order. 
This issue needs to be discussed and disseminated in the air waves in Arua. If 
possible the IGP could be invited in some of the Radio stations to clearly 
explain to the people of West Nile what happened and how the people can protect 
themselves in future if the police go and harass citizens. I believe such 
issues should make us think deeper of how we can plan ahead to deter such 
possible future events rather than only deal with solutions to current events.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 5:55 AM, Christine Munduru <MailScanner has detected a 
possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be<>>
Dear all,
I wish thank all of you for the solidarity you have shown and also thank all 
those in Entebbe for the unity and support. members wanted to know if the 
families will be compensated and I wish to give you more information about the 

First of all kaihura did a very commendable job. He handled the volatile 
situation very professionally otherwise there was going to be caos especially 
when the culprits were brought to mourners.He blasted the DPC and commanders 
for allowing such things to happen and he was forced to slap one of them when  
one of those tortured recently with panga cuts on his head came to testify. he 
came well packed with creats of sodas, and other food items for the mourners in 
Entebbe.  It is very sad to note that one of the arrested policemen was our own 
called Waiga from Moyo. The newspapers have not reported the issue reflecting 
the gravity but we know  which season we are in, reporting exactly what 
happened could cause a number of things.

The latest information was that the police had beaten, tortured and thrown into 
water some of the members who  had gone to do fishing in the island and taken 
away their boat. These guys called for rescue from their colleagues who 
immediately jumped into the boat to go and help. it was this group going for 
rescue whom the police opened fire upon at midday not at night as was reported 
in the papers, and they were 14 in this boat. Many of them were beaten and 
others had minor bullet wounds. The men were all involved, others were badly 
injured, beaten and those who could run went hiding so women around had to take 
charge of helping those badly injured plus reporting the issue to police. We 
have been informed that those admitted have high chances of survival but one of 
them could end up palalysed for life and the one who came to report and was 
knocked by a car  had a broken femur and damaged ribs which the Entebbe health 
worker's said if not well managed could lead to death and they referred him to 
Mulago hospital.

The agreement with Kaihura was that police will take all funeral expenses but 
compensation will be done by the president himself. The president was already 
aware and will be waiting for feedback from IGP. Yesterday Kaihura went to Arua 
and he intended to personally visit the families. When he comes back, 
appointment will be made with him to send a  team to do negotiations on the 
compensation for the families and also discuss the future of these fishemen 
based on the government regulations of fishing in the lake. We have one contact 
person who will make the appointment and we shall select a team to go and meet 
the IGP. The IGP also ordered investing into all the cases which have been 
mishandled by the police in this same place and we hope justice will prevale at 
the end.The bodies left for Arua yesterday though the police delayed with the 
trucks, they finally left and we hope that they arrived safely.

Memebers on this forum can give ideas to shape discussions for those who will 
go for the negotiations I will share with the team before they go for the 

My condelences for those we have lost in Moyo, may their soul rest in peace.


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