
I would love that a visit is paid to the family especially when some of us
travel for the Easter weekend in Arua. I am also not sure if we should pass
through Red Cross or we set up the initiative and deliver it. Your gesture
is fantastic however I would love if we can also assess the short term needs
(6 months to one year) of this family.

The news  papers today say, the grandmother plans to take the family to the
village to avoid rent which would inevitably affect the young mother's
chances of going to school and even the baby's health could deteriorate as a
result. Its best to get the baby out of danger first before any decision of
that nature is taken. If a room of UGX 6,000 per month is okay for them to
live in, I can offer them the year's rent. With other additional help from
our good selves on this network we can raise them resources to last them

The immediate assistance to rescue them from dying needs to go as quickly as
possible as Alaka has started but more help needs to be got for sometime.
Some of the resources need not be money but in kind to avoid mismanagement.
In anycase we need also to think about how the resources raised can be used
in a sustainable manner. Is the simsim business worth or is there something
else they can do? Assistance to them can also be extended in measured
amounts over time and not large once. These can be assessed.

My take, over to fellow contributors on this network.

*"The only thing that will make evil triumph is when good men and women
standby and do nothing"

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