Thanks for your intellectual insight and value addition to procurement and 
Logistics operations in this Country.There are various factors affecting value 
for money principle and one of it is what you have pointed out as Supplier 
influence in terms of gifts,or others that you generally term"KITU KIDOGO"which 
un professional staff use as basis for evaluation thus determining  award of 
contract.I also support your view of technical skills/expertise
and experience gap where many find themselves in those positions just because 
they know how to BUY rather knowing how to PROCURE.The skill/knowledge gap is 
partly because many took procurement and Logistics management as a course unit 
to major in where some key frame work course units are ommitted but not as a 
full Institutional programme in their studies where one is guided in all the 
key aspects procurement and logistics operations hence creating that gap that 
results into' MUDA'(waste) in the out put of these persons whom i might some 
times not call professionals may be borrow your word of terming them as 
professionals in making.
In such a situation supplier performance is not measured based on the 
organisational professional Ethical codes rather on what a supplier has in 
return and it becomes in most cases difficult to develop suppliers because the  
relevant advice that should have been openly and uniformly given to these 
providers is compromised.
The value for money stance is tranverse though your case point is Local 
Government.True there are more challenges in Local Government procurement 
system than private organisations which includes the major being Influence 
peddling be it political or otherwise where the professional decision making 
becomes a mystery possibly because one has to satisfy the interests of those 
who enabled them to get the job(s) or satisfy the interests of theirr 
supervisor,councillors,RDC, MP,Minister or political party(ies).Let me give 
you a case  senario that happened in one of the Districts where 4 class room 
blocks were allocated for some County and immediately the budget was approved 
before even placing bid notice the procurement Officer was called by the RDC 
and instructed to select a company that is affliated to a particular party and 
as he left the RDC's Office the Chief Administrative Officer called him of whom 
he had in mind to select from but before
 commending he gave him names of companies to select from and as he approached  
his office on his way back there were 3 councillors waiting to see him over the 
same project and before he could talk to them the area MP called him giving 
some names of his voters who have interest in the same project and that he had 
discussed this with the relevant minister and some technocrats from state 
house,with all these pressure piling the poor man resigned.
Procurement information flow in local Government should not an issue because 
Public Procurement and Disposal of Publuic Assets Authority(PPDA) circulates 
the relevant procedures,policies,guide line,forms to all the districts or can 
be accessed on line so the gap could be what to use when,where and how that 
eventually goes back to quality and capabilty of the professional employed,for 
it is not like in private sector where the procurement professional takes lead 
in developing procurement plans,procurement manuals and designs, with approval 
from relevant authorities the relevant forms to use in the entire process,these 
are at finger tips in Government circles.
Well it calls for adherance to the procurement principles as well as lean 
managent factors incorporated amoung other factors that value addition is 
achieved thus eradicating muda hence promoting professional Ethical behaviour 
in procurement and logistics operations.
--- On Mon, 6/27/11, false <> wrote:

From: false <>
Subject: [WestNileNet] Observing Value for Money as Procurement Professionals
Date: Monday, June 27, 2011, 2:08 PM

Observing Value for Money as Procurement Professional local in governments of 
Uganda incase point (By Ayikobua Geoffrey) 
As a procurement professional, you have a lot of 
decision-making authority and influence over how quite a 
bit of money is spent.  While most business dealings 
proceed legally and with integrity, it is not uncommon 
for suppliers to approach or cross an ethical line when 
trying to win your business. Something which is common in local Government of 
Uganda, Truly strategic supplier management program will be based on supplier 
performance metrics that relate to the 
key performance indicators of the overall organization.  
But it is not uncommon for an organization's information 
systems and processes to lack the ability to make those 
metrics readily available. If such is the case, is it impossible to use those 
Unfortunately, some unsuspecting and/or inexperienced in the Names of 
‘procurement professionals’ do not recognize situations 
that are inappropriate and, as a result, end up making or 
contributing to decisions that are questionable at best, 
unethical or even illegal at worst.  When procurement 
professionals step outside of these not-so-obvious 
ethical boundaries, bad things can happen including the 
loss of one's integrity, the loss of one's job, or even 
the loss of one's freedom (i.e., being put in jail)like, the saga of “CHOGM 
For instances Metrics such as customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, and even 
quality could be suggested to generate or create more transparent proceedings 
of such articles  by having 
internal people answer questionnaires on a regular basis," 
accordingly.  However, relying on internal 
stakeholders as your source for supplier management 
metrics has its challenges one challenge is getting enough participation. Often 
characterized by ‘kitu Kidogo’ the kick backs for influencing tender board 
decisions of awarding contracts to such persons who don’t parse meet the 
required standards of solicitation documents. Having 
stakeholders’ rate suppliers "takes their time, so it has 
to be made very easy." This often makes ‘the professionals in making’ to forget 
the feed back of bidding process/proceedings.  "People have to understand why 
it's important to participate and give their feedback on supplier 
To be continued… On
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