*I share my grief with the nation as a whole and more especially with the
families that the soldiers have left behind. *
*It is very disheartening to read some of the emails laced with personal
undertones! My humble request is simple... Let the investigators both in
Kenya and Uganda do their job and then lets tear each apart when the report
is out! That is what due process is all about!*

*For now let us commit these families in our prayers*
*Thank you! *
*Winfred Adukule-Meuter*

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Wanni Norman <wanni2...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Ladies and gentlemen.
> I would suggest that if there  issues we need to take on with a colleague
> lets  send it to their mail. While we may get emotional, lets try our best
> to limit the open mails
> I believe this is the way to go.
> Wanni Norman
> --- On *Thu, 16/8/12, Christine Munduru <cmund...@gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Christine Munduru <cmund...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Trivial
> To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <westnilenet@kym.net>
> Date: Thursday, 16 August, 2012, 11:55
> Uganda has good laws and policies but are they being implemented as they
> are supposed? So knowing the international or national standards does not
> mean good implementation, that is my point which some of you have also
> refused to get.And I have given examples. If laws, plocies and rules meant
> good implementation and practice, would we be having all the problems we
> have in this country? like corruption and poor almost everything. Let
> us make a difference between good set standards, laws and policies and
> implementation and practice.Take a simple example leave government
> alone,most of us know our ethics  for all our professions and they are well
> written but we act contrary why?
> Christine
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Caleb Alaka <calebal...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> May be I am not trivial as opined by my dear sister Christine. These are
> difficult times but as intellectuals, we can't shy away from dissecting
> intent and purpose in our deliberations. Milton has taken us through a long
> lecture about aviation issues, standards of investigations and so on. Some
> of us have been enlightened while others have deliberately refused to be
> educated. My diatribe was as a result of    frustrations from people who
> have intellect, but they can't discern. This is not metaphysics. Yes, death
> is emotional, postmortems have to be conducted by pathologists. Must we
> doubt the intention of conducting postmortems. I am not an apologist of
> this Government nor am I a bootlicker. As an intellectual, I love
> dissecting matters using a prism of objectivity but not the blindness of
> emotions. As I said earlier, these were gallant sons of this Country, they
> sacrificed their lives for the good of all, no one would have wished them
> to die at this moment when the Country i
>  s at war with Alshababs. We needed them alive to bomb the terrorists in
> Somalia. Government needed them alive more than any one because the
> continuation of the very existence of this regime is based on its fight
> against terrorists. Believe you me. When Obama was inaugurated as the
> President of USA, he did not call Museveni not until the Terrorist bombings
> in Lugogo. Museveni's relevance to the West is merely limited to security
> issues in the Grate Lakes Region. I believe he knows that, so let's not
> imagine that he has not felt the effect of the crush of all those Choppers,
> or the death of those who died in the crush.
> Sent from my iPhone
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