Dear Moses and fellow West Nilers,

I would like to add my words of congratulations to the ones other
colleagues have conveyed regarding the wonderful job you and your team have
started. I also want to this golden opportunity to thank all the councilors
of Arua District Local Government who, not only unanimously endorsed this
initiative, but also overwhelmingly pledged to contribute 10,000/= each
towards its success. Although I am not yet a counselor, you can count on my
10,000/ pledge to complement their efforts in this initiative. I am
confident that the rest of the District Local Governments in the region
will do the same.

I am glad to hear that there is already a budget which I am sure was made
out of different activities members must have suggested to tackle the
challenges we have at hand. Some of us may not have cash, but we ourselves
form part of the resources we may need to realize some of the objectives of
this project. Kindly share with us what is in the proposal so that we can
identify some gaps and find out how we can fill them. I am writing as a son
of the soil, an active member of a Civil Society Organization and an
academic staff of a University. I am therefore stakeholder in multiple
capacities who would like to make my humble contribution to the development
of our region.  I want us to take the education sector seriously because it
appears to be the only tool we will use to fight for our existence as a
region in this country.

Once again, bravo! and thanks very much. Let us all do what we can to make
West Nile a better place, not only for us to live, but also the seventh
generation we are expecting to replace us.


Willy Ngaka, PostDoc Research Fellow
University of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), SA

On 24 October 2013 20:17, moses akuma <> wrote:

> Dear Brothers and Sisters!
> Today the centenary organizing team made it on our first presentation of
> the centenary celebration Ideas in Arua district council. We are very
> grateful for the wonderful reception and approval of the district council
> to bless the centenary celebrations. All district councilors pledged to
> contribute a minimum of 10,000. The district Executive committee is to
> resolve on the amount to contribute towards our 1.3 Billion budget on top
> of the land which the district council has donated for the construction
> of the centenary museum. This was awesome indeed. Long live the district
> councilors of Arua. We believe other district councils will receive us with
> the same enthusiasm and selfless contributions. I loved the quality of the
> debate of the motion, totally bipartisan without challenge and
> reservations. You should have been there!!!!!! Pages of History are being
> opened you need to write your name on this powerful historical and heroic
> open cheque for your next generations to identify with.
> Thanks and Kind regards
> Akuma Moses Odims
> Regional Civil peace program officer
> MAYANK Development Association.
> Po.Box 1 Yumbe District.
> Tele: +256 773 887 704
> Email:
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