On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 9:46 AM EET moses akuma wrote:

>Dear Richard!
>Thank you for the appreciation and commitment.
>We have no other choice than to deliver on this legendary promise.
>Share the the West Nile centenary celebration news with others and let this 
>become the talk in all our meeting places.  
>Thanks and Kind regards
>Akuma Moses Odims
>Regional Civil peace program officer 
>MAYANK Development Association.
>Po.Box 1 Yumbe District.
>Tele: +256 773 887 704
>Email: odims2...@yahoo.com 
>On Friday, October 25, 2013 10:13 AM, Cliff Richard Edekibo 
><cliffedekiborich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Many thanks for innovative thinking.Let westnilers start determining their 
>destiny for  quinine causes like this.Unity for a purpose is the way to go now 
>and future.The destiny of our children is dependant upon us the new 
>generation.Forget our bad backgrounds but record the history.
>Bravo The Team
>On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 8:17 PM, moses akuma <odims2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Dear Brothers and Sisters!
>>Today the centenary organizing team made it on our first presentation of the 
>>centenary celebration Ideas in Arua district council. We are very grateful 
>>for the wonderful reception and approval of the district council to bless the 
>>centenary celebrations. All district councilors pledged to contribute a 
>>minimum of 10,000. The district Executive committee is to resolve on the 
>>amount to contribute towards our 1.3 Billion budget on top of the land which 
>>the district council has donated for the construction of the centenary 
>>museum. This was awesome indeed. Long live the district councilors of Arua. 
>>We believe other district councils will receive us with the same enthusiasm 
>>and selfless contributions. I loved the quality of the debate of the motion, 
>>totally bipartisan without challenge and reservations. You should have been 
>>there!!!!!! Pages of History are being opened you need to write your name on 
>>this powerful historical and heroic open cheque for your next
> generations to identify with.
>>Thanks and Kind regards
>>Akuma Moses Odims
>>Regional Civil peace program officer 
>>MAYANK Development Association.
>>Po.Box 1 Yumbe District.
>>Tele: +256 773 887 704
>>Email: odims2...@yahoo.com 
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>>Dear All,
Thx for this up date.
God bless!
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