(Picture: IWPR Consultant Hussein Amin, right, conducts a video
presentation during the special training workshop for CRN journalists. The
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, based in The Hague, is focused
primarily on Transitional Justice.)

A training and mentoring course for broadcast journalists has paved the way
for IWPR’s new programmes covering women’s rights.

The weekly programmes are produced in partnership with the Catholic Radio
Network (CRN).

The content is gathered and recorded by IWPR and CRN’s team of journalists.

The goal of the project is to provide women with a platform to access
independent news about the rule of law and women’s rights, and to stimulate
debate through local media.

The training programme was held at the Association for Media Development.

The programme is a 15-minute weekly radio magazine featuring news,
interviews and analysis, with an emphasis on women’s rights and will air on
CRN stations.

The new project, IWPR’s first, has been welcomed by station managers at
IWPR’s local partner, CRN.

“We are looking forward to producing programmes that will contribute to
improving the condition of women, particularly by making themselves and the
general public more aware of women's rights,” Sister Elena Balatti,
director of CRN Radio said.

A second phase of the training programme will be held in the coming weeks.

The training workshop has taught reporters the basic skills of
broadcasting, investigative journalism, including research, interviewing
and production techniques.

The course also covered a variety of presentation formats, so that
participants will be able to reach out to their audiences and interact with
them on complex issues via news bulletins, special reports, radio
documentaries, public debates and phone-in talk shows.

The journalists trained by IWPR welcomed the chance to acquire new skills.

“The best item in the training was learning a method to plan the radio
programmes, especially
who to interview,” said James Pakwan, a senior editor who will work
alongside the reporters as they produce the programmes.

The intensive training schedule also included specialist tuition on human
rights issues, with a particular focus on the role of the media in
reporting rights and justice issues in the region.

Reporters learned how to research and provide in-depth coverage on issues
such as sexual violence, local judicial mechanisms and women

The programmes provide an opportunity for listeners to become better
informed about crucial issues and contribute their own views on them as

The Christian Radio Network of stations will broadcast the programme in
local languages.

Topics to be explored in upcoming episodes include widows’ rights, early
marriage and the value of girl education.

The discussions during training also focused on the legal complications
arising from the different interpretations between customary law and common
law systems, and their effects on women’s rights in the region.

“Our training helped to build a picture of the situation facing women,
especially to focus on areas where their rights are not yet fully
recognised,” Jina Awin, a reporter said.

Other participants were enthusiastic about the objectives of the programmes
that will be aired through CRN’s network.

“To be aware that a problem [concerning women’s rights] is there is not the
end of the task,” Pakwan said. “The radio programme should give clues as to
who can address [women’s rights issues] or possibly how to solve them.”

Story by Simon Jennings - IWPR Africa Editor.

(Editors Note: This project is funded by the European Union.)

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