Who Could Have Foretold?

I previously discussed working in Darfur with the AU-UN Hybrid
Peace-Keeping Mission.
General Emmanuel Karake Karenzi who has just been arrested in London for
genocide and war crimes in Rwanda, was commander of the Rwandese Defense
Forces (RDF) contingent at the time I was there. I coordinated mission work
with his office regularly. Swahili is the language that unites East
Africans in the UN. Many will be surprised how close we become abroad. Like
real brothers and sisters working as civilian, police or military personnel.
In the UN, I was just one ordinary member like the others. My office was
next to former PPS Hope Kivengere's whom I surprisingly found there working
as a Consultant contractor for the AU.
In UNAMID, Gen. Emmanuel Karenzi was also Deputy overall Commander of the
entire Darfur Peace-Keeping Mission. One that includes Nigerian, South
African, Senegalese and Gambian soldiers. The top overall Commander being
from Nigeria as they have the most boots on the ground, followed by Rwanda.
Several RDF peace-keepers died in the line of duty. Attacked by rogue
elements as they protected civilian water points, or sometimes in daring
ambushes by unruly rebels. The funeral ceremonies were always very sad days
for us. It might be anybody's turn tomorrow, one thought. Karenzi would
personally fly on site immediately after incidents to supervise
investigations, recovery and sometimes pursuit operations.
How this AU/UN commander is an indicted Rwanda war criminal yet elsewhere
he was squarely with us protecting Darfurians against war crimes and
genocide, is just mind-boggling.
The Spanish court that indicted Karenzi also says "it has enough evidence
to implicate Paul Kagame in mass murder and reprisal atrocities".
I am for justice anyway, and where there is a fair process, then let the
accused defend him/herself and clear his/her name if innocent.
This is also the chance for the Rwanda government to clear persisting
genocide accusations against it and it's president.
Brushing those disturbing accusations under the rag as has frantically been
done for the last 20 plus years, apparently only energizes the judicial
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