While there is no doubt that many, including myself, have learnt a lot from
bro Hussein's writings, we have at certain point in time over the last few
years encouraged him to channel some of the enormous energy he has towards
other more tangible projects in west nile. Given his great research skills
and writing abilities, for example, helping start community newspapers in
would greatly help in providing young people -- graduates - internship
opportunities where they would learn not only how to write but other skills
such as project mgmt, etc etc..

Honouring Amin by Museveni? Not in a million years!!!  am more inclined to
believe that even when the Good Lord calls Museveni back to heaven, he
(LORD) will have to erect a permanent electrical fence between Amin and
Museveni as Museveni will more likely be looking for opportunities for a
good fight with Amin. Even though GOD will remind Museveni that he  owes
 his presidency to Amin's taking power from Obote, Museveni will have none
of that, instead, will continue with the intense hatred he developed for
Amin here on earth!

As you may all know, the people who should have been held responsible and
actually pay for the construction of Arua airport are the Arabs. It was
them who brought friction between the Israelis and Amin which led to
kicking out of the Israelis. The arabs should have been made to complete or
pay for the completion of the projects the israelis had started and not
completed! Besides the Amin family, we do have people in westnile and made
who could use their connections with the arab world who could remind them
about projects that the israelis did not complete because they promised
Amin heaven if uganda cut off relations with israel and joined the arab
world instead.

Having said all the above, the responsibility to construct and elevate Arua
airport to international levels lies squarely on the uganda govt. it is
common sense that bringing Arua airport to an international level will
boost the economy of the region manyfold. It is a question of ensuring the
region does not have direct airlines with the outside world...something i
attribute to backwardness, tribalism etc as the senior decision makers have
no interest in developing our region other than their won regions. The
Kenya and Canadian govts understand the importance of linking their
countries internationally for economic reasons that is why they have built
international airports in more than one city. Their airports were NOT built
to honour their past leaders BUT were renamed to recognize those leaders.

 For us ugandans, we have to wait for the british to come and tell us to
allow international flights to fly into Arua or other airports besides
Entebbe. I remember years ago when I had a conversation with a senior
NRA/UPDF officer and the issue of Arua airport not being upgraded to an
international airport crept into the conversation. When I asked him why the
govt wasn't upgrading the airport, his answer was that they did not want
the airport to be used to ship in guns from abroad for west nile rebel

my 2 cents...

On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:34 AM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Vasco for your contribution. While I agree with your definition
> of a leader/leadership, my statement picked one of the things leaders do.
> My message was to direct our brother Husein to look at creative initiatives
> in order to remember his dad.
>    - While I agree with political patronage in Uganda as you have stated,
>    effective lobbying skills seems to get regional leaders a piece of the pie
>    from the top boss. This is a common pattern almost in most countries where
>    a government does not have a full grip on infrastructure development and
>    prioritization.
>    - Our brother Husein has been lecturing people on this forum for a
>    long time. I was simply throwing up some creative ideas to think about. If
>    you have passed through Kenya, you probably flew through Jomo Kenyata
>    International airport. You probably have heard of McDonald Cartier
>    International Airport, Pearson International airport, the list goes on and
>    on. These are structures built by the government in honor of their leaders.
>    I am aware that in Uganda's situation this is not the case. I am ware that
>    the top boss tends to support or favor people who support him 100%.
>    - Building Arua airport would be a good investment for the government
>    and the people in this region. May be this should be a development agenda
>    which our people should pursue seriously. The economic benefits cannot be
>    overstated. This is the second busies airport in Uganda next to Entebbe.
>    Assuming there was a a natural disaster at Entebbe like a flood or
>    something odd for 2-3 months. Where would big planes land in Uganda today?
>    - For instance converting Idi Amin's home at Tanganyika village in
>    Arua into a Museum or building a museum in his honor in Arua would be a
>    good project where a generation of people who did not know about Amin would
>    be able to know about his achievements. Alternatively, publishing several
>    books about Amin's biography would be a great asset that would remain for
>    generations. These are permanent historical assets that would remain for
>    ever.
>    - Honestly, I do not see the value of passing oral literature as our
>    brother Husein has been lecturing for the last two years. How many people
>    are excited or interested in this kind of stuff? This is the same problem
>    we all face where our father and grand father passed the history of West
>    Nile by oral literature. As that world war generation died off, this
>    history is fading off. in another 50 years to come, we may not find people
>    who can tell the history of West Nile, the Belgian wars with the British.
>    - A few years ago, People from the West Nile region wanted a
>    university. We all collaborated effectively and shared fantastic ideas on
>    how to get started. Muni NTC was converted to a university which is
>    operational today. Our struggle now is to ensure children/people from West
>    Nile region take advantage of the University they had been crying for. It
>    has created employment opportunities for a few people.
>    - My message is to encourage all of us to focus on productive project
>    initiative that bring value to this region.
>    - Thank you
>    - JJ
> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Vasco Oguzua <vogu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Leadership is not only about problem solving. Leadership is much more
>> than problem solving. Leadership requires a lot of critical thinking to
>>  inquire, scrutinize, digest,  analyze, and formulate and identify possible
>> solutions to a problem. When people jump to prescribe what they think are
>> solutions to problems without quite evaluating and understanding the
>> problem and the environment within which the problem manifests itself, that
>> in itself becomes a huge more complex black box problem. In basic systems
>> analysis, problems identified as Black Box are more complex to solve
>> because the box has quite a mix of unknown factors in the system's
>> environment driving the system in unknown measurements and scale.
>> While John is every time suggesting solutions to problems in West Nile
>> which in most cases he associates to lack of leadership, I always kind of
>> wonder if he carefully and thoroughly examines the the problems from the
>> various aspects of development (structural, economic, political, social,
>> mental, etc) before suggesting some of these solutions.
>> Without careful evaluation and analysis of some of these aspects of the
>> problems,
>> I will beg to say that though some of the solutions he suggest may sound
>> good on paper they are shallow and hollow in addressing the problems.
>> The Building of the Arua Airport should not be framed as something Amin's
>> son, Hussein Lumumba should go and beg Museveni for. I wonder what news
>> John reads or listens to for him to suggest that Hussein should go to
>> Museveni to ask him for money to build Arua Airport in memory and honor of
>> his late dad.
>> Up to this day if John does not know that among all the past heads of
>> state or former presidents of Uganda, the most denigrated, abused, insulted
>> and if I may add hated person even at death by Museveni is Amin. How dare
>> John suggest that Hussein should go and beg Museveni for money to build
>> Arua Airport  to honour his late dad!!!
>> If up to this day, the Presidential emoluments past presidents and their
>> families are entitled to, which I think is written in the Constitution of
>> Uganda has likely  not been
>> paid to the Amin family, what on earth is this handshake John is talking
>> about.
>> Sometime back in one of the national newspapers, I read Hussein Lumumba
>> expressing his disgust with the government over the failure of the
>> government to pay what is due to the family. Why should the government not
>> pay the emoluments to the Amin family when he was a head is state and was a
>> civil servant of the government and entitled to those emoluments as
>> prescribed in the laws of Uganda.
>> If John upto this time has not quite understood the politics of
>> patronage, nepotism, corruption, military dictatorship in today's Uganda
>> and its physical , social, mental,  economic and political effects, then it
>> would be advisable for him to go and research and analyze some of these
>> basic issues before he begins to assert the lack of leadership in West
>> Nile, and thus lack of development in the region.
>> The development of Arua Airport should not in anyway be a favour to the
>> people of West Nile where Hussein should go and beg Museveni so as to honor
>> the late Amin.  Amin may have made his mistakes but who among Uganda' s
>> leaders has not. history will judge all the Ugandan leaders. But the
>> suggestion of asking Hussein to go and beg Museveni  for money for the
>> airport  to honor Amin was a regrettable statement. Why not ask the MPs who
>> are kneeling and sucking to Museveni as if he owns Uganda for
>> municipalities, districts, and city status in the name of bringing services
>> nearer to the people!  What I do not understand  is how John's assertion of
>> lack of leadership  in West Nile has to do with Hussein going to ask
>> Museveni for money to build Arua Airport in honor of his late dad.
>> I am not sure if John knows or understands under what jurisdiction the
>> Airport falls and the development of the Airport should never be a favour
>> to West Nile, but a government development project to improve
>> infrastructure and services that improve the economic and social welfare of
>> the country not only the people of West Nile. If the Airport was in control
>> of the district government and district government leaders failed to
>> develop it, I think the blame of lack leadership in the region would be a
>> fair statement.
>> Even in this kind scenario, other political, economic factors would still
>> need to be considered before apportioning any blame on the leaders.
>> I am sure John is aware of the problems Retired Bishop of Arua Diocese
>> ,Fr. Drandua, endured some years back about the plans to building Nyagak
>> Dam before it was given to the current Museveni croonies ! I wonder if John
>> is aware of why the Arua- Rhinocamp,  road via Terego and the road from
>> Arua to Lodonga still through Terego is not built. Now that Kassiano Wadri
>> is no longer the MP of Terego, I am sure the building of the road must be
>> in high gear.
>> The point I am trying to make here is that the politics of patronage and
>> corruption and mediocre government officials who have no development goals
>> but rather corruption has destroyed the fabric of Uganda and West Nile our
>> region inclusive.
>> The partition of the region in the name of service delivery has never
>> delivered any services other than unnecessarily huge administrative
>> expenditure with the huge number of MPs whose bottom line in the money.
>> Look for example at the politics a of patronage in Koboko county with a
>> population of probably less than 300,000 people. Why would such a
>> population need  4 MPs to represent such a small population that could be
>> represented by one MP. With all this Patronage how is Koboko better than
>> other areas in West Nile with fewer MPs
>> The lack of serious development in West Nile is not lack of leadership,
>> but something I associate with political patronage and lack free
>> environment for people to determine their destiny. If the Museveni
>> government is removed and political freedom is established where people
>> make honest decisions for their destiny, it will not take long for West
>> Nile region to develop.
>> My personal opinion
>> Vasco
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 6:58 AM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    - Leadership is all about problem solving. Good leaders rally people
>>    around solving a common problem
>>    - Back in 1970's, Arua airport was being upgraded to International
>>    standards at a time when Idi Amin was in power. This project was abandoned
>>    at the climax of Palestinian Israel conflict. All it left was valleys by
>>    soil erosion and Israelis left off with our beautiful top soil leaving
>>    behind barren land.
>>    - This would be a perfect project where Husein could go to M7 and ask
>>    for money to rebuild this airport in honor of his dad. Hopefully, M7 would
>>    give Husein money as a hand sake and good gesture.
>>    - Rebuilding this airport as the second largest and busiest airport
>>    in Uganda could generate perhaps 100 to 200 jobs or more. The 
>> macroeconomic
>>    impact of this project could spin off other jobs for instance warehousing,
>>    restaurants, hotels, etc.
>>    - Rebuilding Arua airport could open both passenger and cargo traffic
>>    to DR Congo and South Sudan. Instead of politicking this issue, our 
>> leaders
>>    should look at business opportunities we are not exploiting or taking
>>    seriously. We need to look at opportunity cost.
>>    - A decade ago, another MP who became a minister ran on this platform
>>    and promised that he would rebuild this airport. I do not want to give
>>    names. Many of you on this forum will remember  the beating of those empty
>>    drums a decade ago.
>>    - Ladies and gentleman, let us face reality of problems facing this
>>    region. Some of the problems facing us require simple dialogue with
>>    stakeholders. Let's try to look at simple problems within our reach.  Let
>>    us start talking about simple issues we can solve. Big issues that require
>>    government intervention let's involve our political leaders from this
>>    region to lobby the government to correct some of the problems. This is 
>> the
>>    very reason why we elected representatives.
>>    - Above all, let us have intellectual and respectful discussion over
>>    some of this problems. Shying away, quitting the forum is not a gateway to
>>    problem resolution. Let us figure some way to take matters we discuss in
>>    this forum to the community.
>>    - There are hundreds of highly qualified people on this forum from
>>    various professions. Don't be a silent listener. Contribute brilliant 
>> ideas
>>    on how we can address some of the challenges facing us as a community.
>>    - Thank you
>>    - JJ
>> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 4:08 AM, Mail Service Team <
>> cliffedekiborich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear John,
>>> Bravo, you have got it RIGHT.
>>> Let our bro Hussein join Authors Forum in writing books and making
>>> documentaries of our Late President Amin's Life series in Kampala for
>>> making money to support westnile problem sloution and Amins family form a
>>> credible AMIN FOUNDATION for which we can subscribe to as members.CAN this
>>> forum help us organise THINK TANK Innovations of both physical meetings and
>>> media networking.
>>> For my sister Kamure, opting out is never a solution,face the frying
>>> pans.Don't go away for we need you.
>>> Nice week end.
>>> Cliff
>>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 10:22 PM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear brothers and sisters,
>>>>    - While Idi Amin did great things at his time, I think time has
>>>>    come where we need to encourage junior Amin to write volumes and 
>>>> volumes of
>>>>    books on his dad's past life. This is best way to retain knowledge so 
>>>> that
>>>>    younger generations can read it later. Bombarding this forum with Idi 
>>>> Amin
>>>>    stuff has become unpalatable, boring and makes no more sense. Perhaps
>>>>    majority of us communicating in this forum were kids during Amin's 
>>>> regime
>>>>    and never saw the benefit of his presidency in West Nile region. 
>>>> Correct me
>>>>    if I am wrong.
>>>>    - We have serious social and economic development challenges facing
>>>>    our region we need to come together as a team and address some of the
>>>>    problems. Doing nothing only continues to hurt a generation of youth 
>>>> some
>>>>    of whom are our nephews, nieces, cousins, sisters, brothers or even our 
>>>> own
>>>>    children.
>>>>    - For instance look at youth unemployment in this region. There is
>>>>    nearly 80-90 % school drop out rate at all levels. Where do some of 
>>>> these
>>>>    youth end up?  Just roaming in towns or villages doing nothing but 
>>>> drinking
>>>>    alcohol, smoking marijuana, Mirraa, etc.
>>>>    - Do we really need government intervention to stop or reduce some
>>>>    of these obvious problems in our community? Some of the issues need
>>>>    engaging our communities in finding productive solutions right from the
>>>>    grassroots level. Educating people and empowering them through mass 
>>>> media
>>>>    could go a long way in solving some these problems or saving our 
>>>> community
>>>>    from self destruction.
>>>>    - It may sound like  a joking matter to say "why do I have to care
>>>>    about people who do not care about themselves"?  In any place where 
>>>> there
>>>>    are thousands of idle people, crime rates go up. Issues like starvation
>>>>    will continue to haunt this region as older hard working generation die
>>>>    off. Mental health issues is on rise. Should we wait for the government 
>>>> to
>>>>    come and rescue us?
>>>>    - I think it time we all come together and harness our human
>>>>    potential from these forum or region and take the wild bull in our own
>>>>    hands before it gets out of control.
>>>>    - Are we going to raise a generation of youth whose job is only
>>>>    SECURITY GUARDS in Kampala & CASAVU in the sugar estates? Brothers and
>>>>    sisters, lets think twice!
>>>> JJ
>>>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 6:24 AM, Mail Service Team <
>>>> cliffedekiborich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Westnilers,
>>>>> Greetings to you all.
>>>>>  I do hope this social network forum is meant for sharing tangible
>>>>> issues of paramount interest of our region than merely
>>>>> politicking propaganda with NO substantive benefits.
>>>>> Majority of our regional issues require mutual solutions at both
>>>>> personal and community level with minimal political interventions.
>>>>> Does our young youth spending 90% of their time smoking the Sudanese
>>>>> kind of intoxicated Smoke in towns and Chewing mairungi and people relying
>>>>> on mairungi farming, for subsistence, poor education performance in both
>>>>> primary and secondary need political solution?
>>>>> What have we done at both individual and forum level than always
>>>>> lamentations on other peoples" affairs.
>>>>> Thank you Admin.
>>>>> Cliff
>>>>> Tel:+256782308172
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Beatrice A <
>>>>> badongak...@nilebasin.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Admin,
>>>>>> I concur with Jimmy, kindly unsubscribe me from this mailing list.
>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>> Beatrice Kamure
>>>>>> *From:* WestNileNet [mailto:westnilenet-boun...@kym.net] *On Behalf
>>>>>> Of *Jimmy Awuzu Angubo
>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:11 PM
>>>>>> *To:* WestNileNet@kym.net
>>>>>> *Subject:* [WestNileNet] Unsubscribe
>>>>>> Hi Admin,
>>>>>> Could you kindly unsubscribe me from this mailing list,
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Jimmy Awuzu Angubo
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