Fellow citizens,

In regards to the Election Petition and its ruling earlier today, I would
like to state that going to court was the right thing to do. I personally
urged that the rule of law, particularly judicial recourse, be exploited to
the fullest from the moment election results were announced on 20th
Mr. Besigye, having already predicted what would happen, and having filed
previous petitions (2001 & 2006), should have been best prepared for this
eventuality more than anyone else.
Unfortunately he already rejected the possibility last year during
campaigns when he proclaimed: "This time we shall not go to court."
Surprisingly, he then first tried to gather declaration forms and evidence,
but then later sat to watch court proceedings and the final ruling.
Honestly on this specific issue, Mr. Mbabazi, whom I actually rate less
then Besigye, has shown more statesmanship, patience and procedural
compliance than anyone else.
Even though he clearly could not have won the February 18th election, the
petition was a critical juncture for the nation to cross. That is
One thing that Ugandans and the country's partners are observing is that
both the Supreme Court and the Electoral Commission, both the Chief Justice
and the EC Chairman, and both their final declarations, completely lack
impartiality and both are partisan.
The result is that without credibility, there is still no victory.
The people of Uganda, though disgruntled, are already busy back to work,
and taking their children to and from school.
With this economy, they don't have the time to stagnate in clogged
politics. Some might prefer seeing a "lame duck" run around the country.
As I already stated previously, at this point there is no alternative to
national healing and unity. That is something that even the Supreme Court
can't provide.
It's the leaders who now have to unite.

Hussein Lumumba Amin.
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