17 March 2016

>From the BBC section Africa

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma is accused of allowing members of the
Indian-born Gupta family to wield undue influence, with a deputy finance
minister saying he was offered the job of finance minister by one of them.

Who are the Guptas and how close are their links to President Zuma?

Brothers Ajay, Atul and Rajesh (also known as Tony) Gupta, all in their
40s, relocated to South Africa from India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh
in Saharanpur in 1993, just as white minority rule was ending and the
country was opening up to the rest of the world.
Family spokesman Haranath Ghosh told the BBC by email that their father,
Shiv Kumar Gupta sent Atul to South Africa, believing that Africa was about
to become the "America of the world" - the world's land of opportunity.
It is said that when Atul arrived in what was then Africa's largest economy
and he set up the family business Sahara Computers, he was amazed at the
lack of red tape compared to India.

Helicopter pad

They were small businessmen back home but their parent company Sahara Group
- which has no links to the Indian giant of the same name - now has an
annual turnover of about 200m rand ($22m; £14.3m) and employs some 10,000

The Zumas and the Guptas - the Zuptas

• Bongi Ngema-Zuma, one of the president's wives, used to work for the
Gupta-controlled JIC Mining Services as a communications officer
• Duduzile Zuma, his daughter, was a director at Sahara Computers
• Duduzane Zuma, a son, is a director in some Gupta-owned companies
As well as computers, they have interests in mining, air travel, energy,
technology and media.
Atul says they met President Zuma more than 10 years ago "when he was a
guest in one of Sahara's annual functions".
Although they do not figure on any continental rich list, there is no doubt
that they are extremely wealthy.
Their heavily guarded family Sahara Estate in Johannesburg's affluent
Saxonwold suburb comprises at least four mansions which can be seen from
the tree-lined avenue. The estate is now valued at about 52m rand ($3.4m;
The complex even boasts a helicopter pad, while the family enjoys the
services of five personal chefs and regularly travels with bodyguards.
They also own the former Cape Town home of Sir Mark Thatcher, son of former
UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Asked how much they were worth by South Africa's Mail and Guardian
newspaper, another family spokesperson, Gary Naidoo, said:
"We respectfully decline to respond. As a private company, our strategies
are closely guarded, as we operate in industries where our margins are

Police escort

The family is accused of wielding enormous political influence in South
Africa, with critics going as far as accusing it of trying to "capture the
state" to advance its business interests.
The perception grew in March 2016 when Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi
Jonas said that a member of the family had offered to promote him to the
minister's post in 2015.
The Guptas denied making the offer, just as it denied a similar allegation
by the little-known former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor.
She accused the family of offering her the key post of Public Enterprise
minister, during a meeting at their Saxonworld mansion in 2010.
Claiming that Mr Zuma was also at the mansion at the time, she said: "He
came in after I rejected the offer."
Mr Zuma has denied any "recollection" of the former backbencher, but the
allegations, coming up at a time when he has been hit by other corruption
scandals, have clearly knocked confidence in his leadership.
The Guptas also found themselves at the centre of a political storm in 2013
after it emerged that a family plane carrying wedding guests landed at the
Waterkloof Air Base near Pretoria. The base is normally reserved for
visiting heads of state and diplomatic delegations.
The governing African National Congress (ANC) concurred with the opposition
Democratic Alliance (DA) that this was a blatant abuse of power by a family
that enjoys a cosy relationship with South Africa's first family.
The ANC in a statement demanded that those responsible for giving the
family permission to come into the country without going through the normal
channels be "brought to book".

The Guptas at a glance

• Ajay, Atul and Rajesh Gupta moved to South Africa from India in 1993
• Atul is said to have set up their first business Sahara Computers, which
now has an annual turnover of 200m rand ($22m; £14.3m)
• Business interests also include air travel, energy, technology and media
• No clear indication of their net worth - they are not featured on any
list of the continent's richest
The Guptas, while insistent that they had done nothing wrong, issued an
"In light of what happened, the family would like to issue a general
apology to all affected, including the South African and Indian
governments, the local authorities, the South African public and especially
our guests," Atul Gupta said in a statement.
He added that his family was "simply trying to give [our] daughter... a
memorable wedding on South African soil".
The wedding was between Vega Gupta, daughter of the brothers' sister Achla,
to Aakash Jahajgarhia, 24, a Delhi businessman.
The 200 guests, in a convoy of luxury vehicles, were given a police escort
to the Sun City holiday resort in Rustenburg in the North West province.
So what gave the Gupta family the confidence to even think of requesting to
land their chartered Airbus A330 at an Air Force Base?
Some believe it is because one of President Zuma's wives, Bongi Ngema-Zuma,
worked for the Guptas and that they reportedly paid for her 3.8m rand
Pretoria mansion. The Guptas deny paying for Mrs Ngema-Zuma's home.
One of Mr Zuma's sons, Duduzane, is also a director in some of the Gupta
family companies.
The president's daughter Duduzile Zuma was appointed as a director of
Sahara Computers in 2008, six months after her father was elected as ANC
president, although she has since resigned.


The Sunday Times newspaper has reported that the Guptas once demanded to be
given diplomatic passports
, arguing that they regularly travelled with President Zuma on business
trips abroad "promoting South Africa", but the request was rejected.
The Department of International Relations and Co-operation did not deny the
"We get approached by all sorts of individuals all the time enquiring
whether they qualify for diplomatic passports... for those who don't
qualify, the department is very clear in saying 'No'," its spokesman
Clayson Monyela told the BBC.
A Gupta spokesman said the reports were "a determined drive to malign the
It is not clear how much money, if any, the Guptas have donated to the
governing party because political parties are not obliged to disclose
donations, especially from private sources.
The Guptas courted his predecessor's administration as well but
ex-President Thabo Mbeki played a guarded game with the Guptas and the
relationship did not go far.
And former DA leader Helen Zille has also enjoyed a "delicious" meal at the
Guptas' compound and received a donation for the party.
The left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party has called the family
to leave South Africa, saying the country could not be held to ransom by a
"corrupt cartel" with "mafia" tendencies.
Deputy Defence and Military Veterans Minister Kebby Maphatsoe was quoted by
South Africa's City Press newspaper
as saying that the Guptas owned less than 1% of the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange, and should be left alone.
"Some in the alliance are saying the Guptas have captured the state; it is
not true," he said, referring to the SA Communist Party which is part of
the government.
"We met them and asked serious questions [of them], and they responded.
These are South Africans, they are not whites. They do not take profits out
of the country; they invest," Mr Maphatsoe said.
But there are deep divisions within the government over the family's role,
with Mr Jonas being among those who have raised concern about their
He said their offer to him "made a mockery of our democracy", adding:
"Any practice that conflicts with the prescripts of the constitution must
be challenged in the interest of our democracy and the accountability we
have to our people."
His comments are likely to increase pressure on Mr Zuma to distance himself
from the Guptas.
For some commentators, their relationship is merely a symptom of a bigger
corruption crisis in South Africa.
As Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said last month: "There are many parts
of transacting between government and business which have gone seriously
wrong and if we don't stop it, we're going to become a kleptocracy."

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