I am have been pondering about the following questions
1. When did the conflict which escalated on Thursday start?
2. Before the Christians were drawn into this conflict who were the it's
3. What really led to this fiasco, about from the bad leadership?
4. Does the institution of the church have a mechanism for conflict
resolution? And if so to what extent has it been put to use by the elites
of the diocese to resolve this state of affairs?
5. Who disciplines an errand i) Bishop?
ii) Priest?
iii) Christian?
6. Do you see any signs of the same events at Ediofe Cathedral replicating
at Emmanuel Cathedral Mvara soon?
7. Do we want more of the same?

My long silence in this matter is partly to blame and I ask God to forgive
me for always being interested in conducting postmortem

On Sep 24, 2016 7:56 AM, "James Andama" <andajam2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks JJ for your opinion. I totally agree with you. What we have seen,
> heard & experienced in Ediofe of recent is clear manifestation of effects
> of bad leadership in the church of course coupled with selfish interests
> interests. The Christians had no option but to rise up and defend their
> rights. I've never seen a church without christians! If the Bishop thought
> that christians are mere objects, let him now see for himself that they are
> not!
> James
> On 24 Sep 2016 04:30, "JohnAJackson" <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It is deplorable to to see the burial of the late Emeritus Bishop Drandua
>> turn into turmoil.
>> This is a Bishop who served this community with dignity and passion. He
>> had a dream to turn under development of West Nile region around.
>> He deserved to part from us with love and respect a dead body deserves.
>> When former Bishop Tarantino died; he left peace in hands of Bishop
>> Drandua. Although Bishop Tarantino came all way from Italy;  He was buried
>> by Christians in West Nile with love.
>> Jesus taught us love your neighbor as you love thy self.
>> What kind of Bishop will call his own Christians terrorist because they
>> disagree with his way of doing church business.  I have never seen this
>> level of insanity anywhere. Is this what modern church is all about? Power
>> craziness ; autocracy; arrogancy?
>> How can a church survive without christians? What would happen if all
>> christians in West Nile boycott going to pray at Ediofe? How will that
>> church stand without them?
>> West Nile region has been one of the most peaceful places  to live in
>> Uganda.  It hosts poeple coming from neighboring countries. We should
>> continue to promote this region as the most peaceful place in Uganda.  Big
>> cities are built by people coming from all over the world. Whoever wants to
>> malice us; God will turn that evil heart back to him. God is god of mercy
>> and love. How can someone call himself a man of God while he takes his own
>> hands to hurt or destroy the hands that feed him?
>> JJ
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