Fellow Citizens,

Today is a milestone day in Uganda's history. A turning point that still
requires a full audit of individual responsibilities behind the misery, and
misrule that liberators embarked on after President Amin in 1979.
The 7 year infighting within their liberation army culminated in a genocide
that was only surpassed by that in Rwanda years later.
In Uganda, the political, social, economic, and human cost was unprecedent.
And justice has not been able to overcome the impunity for serious crimes
against humanity committed by all sides in that conflict.
More concerning is that the nation is yet to hear a simple apology from
those who were involved in this Luweero bush war carnage from 1980 to 1986.
After fighting and "peace jokes" with a rogue Obote/Tito Okello regimes,
and 500,000 Luweero skulls and skeletons all resulting from the 1979
liberators infighting for power with rampant tribalism, and total misrule,
then came this day January 25th 1986 when liberators who liberated
themselves from other fellow liberators, suddenly became "those who
liberated themselves" as the public says.
Liberation has to be national both in spirit and in character. So there is
need to go back to the drawing board and create a more inclusive and
equitable sharing of national resources. There needs to be a renewed
concern for particularly the rural women and girls, plus the marginalized
citizenry whose hopes for the future are crushed by the greed of a few. The
people now need to be liberated from the corrupt.
Happy "Liberation" day!
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