Sad to note that a fascist American terrorist attacked and killed six
Africans last week while they were in worship. The origin of the deceased
people is suspiciously not being mentioned. They were Africans.
The radicalization that is currently taking place in western countries both
at the political level and within the general public should be a cause for
Africa's concern.
These are the very behaviours, and attitudes that led to systematic
empire-wide abuse by colonial governments.
It is getting clearer by the day that Africa is probably everyone's last
priority since the continent isn't even being discussed by our once close
global partners. Something akin to a general freeze in global relations s
occurring at the moment, where everyone is watching the once unimaginable
spectacle currently unfolding at the Trump White House.
Yet just a year ago we were still being patted on the back and told "Africa
is the next economic frontier", "the future of global growth".
In Europe and the US, the socio-political mood is clearly veering towards
hate and exclusion. But the politicians are only following what they see
from their societies, their voters, who have fully embraced and normalized
these behaviours under the excuse of economic difficulties.
Images of an African drowning in the Venice Grand Canal as Europeans
filmed, laughed, and made quite heartless comments as they left him to die,
should be a wake up call of what level of malignment Africa can expect. I
repeat, European politicians are fully endorsing the behaviours of their
societies rather than leading their people towards always better social
This situation presents each African country with an opportunity to review
and build intra-African relations as our own imperative for our own
survival, development, and protection while we try to assess what will be
our role within the international community (if any).
It would also be prudent to prepare to say no to certain policies (and
possible political utterances) that might interfere with our integrity.
This so as to ensure that we are not bullied.
Why can't Africa shed its timidity on global affairs and have a more
meaningful say on all international matters wether they affect us directly
or not?
In comparison, Europeans havecreached deep in our remotest villages telling
us what we should or should not be doing yet it doesn't help them directly
except in having a larger say (and influence) in our countries and our
governance affairs. It is only good manners if we are able to say something
when we see anything wrong happening in our friends/development partners
homes, just like they do about our own homestead.
Africa, particularly The African Union institution, has to change the way
it sees itself. It should fully take its seat in world affairs. Especially
that it is now getting increasingly probable that we will see four years of
global foreign policy lawlessness from certain quarters. I expect certain
powers to wantonly overstep boundaries, followed by denial of causing any
And as I recently predicted that the new world policy was going to be
comparable to an "Every country for itself" policy, Africa could instead
now unite even stronger as a block to protect itself and thrive despite
such a disjointed and divided global environment.
Thank God it is also very timely that the Kingdom of Morrocco has finally
opted to re-unite with fellow African countries after decades of going
nowhere alone.
Such a development adds new weight, impetus, and meaning to the African
Union on the global arena.
At the same AU summit, a Ugandan judge has also reportedly been presented
for approval by the African Union for a judge position at the International
Criminal Court. This is a step in the right direction.
But what is most likely happening at the moment is probable shock and
disbelief by African Union member countries upon seeing Uganda
flip-flopping between previously urging everyone to quit the international
court, and now nominating a Ugandan judge to sit in The Hague.
This is a situation that could be interpreted by AU Heads of State as
possible unseriousness on our part.

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
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