Fellow citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen!

This week we quietly and unceremoniously passed the one year anniversary of
the unprecedented occurrence where Uganda had a double presidential
inauguration and battalions of soldiers on the streets countrywide to
silence any corresponding dissent. Two separate ceremonies for two
different individuals who each claimed to be the elected President of
Uganda, complete with two different presiding justices both wearing white
wigs and swearing-in each one of them separately, thereby kicking off what
I might call "Kisanja Kabandole" in reference to the famous double deck
bus. Since then we have one group of people going to State House Entebbe
while another group visits "State House Kasangati" instead.
So allow me to also insist on one point that many of our politicians and
their followers might deliberately prefer to turn a blind eye on.
I do not know what you as Ugandans think democracy is, but from existing
research, experts assessments, and the experiences I've had in the few more
meaningful democracies where I've lived and travelled, I concluded long ago
that what you have here is not democracy. It is a dangerous comedy.
But maybe you all know that already right?
Since 1996 when I first voted at Kiyindi zone polling station in the
Kawempe suburb of Kampala, there has not been any serious plan or
meaningful effort to clear the country's elections of the ever increasing
instances of electoral fraud. The very same malpractices continue as if
that is now the normal tradition of how things are done in Uganda. In fact
one can say there is even a sharp increase in the levels of electoral
mediocrity. An sharp increase just like the price of sugar these days
In 2016 we reached the stage of having secret vote-tallying centers that
fed data to the lawfully prescribed ones. What democracy is that? It is no
different than the Communist view where Joseph Stalin famously said "it is
not those that vote who decide the election but those who count the vote."
With this state of affairs, plus the increasingly repeated complaints
regarding freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement,
state interference, plus the complete nationwide loss of trust in the
credibility and transparency of Ugandan institutions and the presidential
polls, how can any person stand proudly before the world and claim "I won.
Ugandans elected me."
I won't get into the known details of vote rigging, police brutality and
now rampant state orchestrated murders because they have all been
documented and are being widely debated by an increasingly scared citizenry.
The reality is that there is a downward spiral, every election since 96 has
been more fraudulent than the previous one, and the biggest culprit remains
the presidential polls. Billions of shillings are also being wasted in
by-elections caused mainly by fraudulent practices including poor vetting
of academic qualifications. And in all instances, the Electoral Commission
itself has been found to be conducting fraudulent polls.
Incidentally all the questionable presidential polls since 1996 have been
"won" by the same "wonderful dictator".
What I fail completely to understand, and which in my view makes the
political future of this country even more bleak, is that all the
candidate's who stood in the 2016 general elections basically abandoned
their own concerted effort to first fight for a clean election, and instead
opted to join what they themselves had already proclaimed in advance that
it was going to be "a rigged exercise." So what about the next one?
>From my humble understanding, if there is one ultimate priority in
democratic governance, isn't it to have clean, fair, and transparent polls?
So my fellow Ugandans! You better set your political priorities right. We
clearly need more logic in determining the priorities of the governance
systems that we say we subscribe to in this country.
Even common law for example does not differentiate between a matooke thief
and the persons caught eating the matooke he stole.
They are considered accomplices. At the minimum, they were aiding and
abetting the matooke theft.
Now I wonder what "poko-poko" the citizens will hear from them on this
specific point?
Probably nothing much since our politicians and civil society
unceremoniously abandoned in September 2015 the quest for free and fair
polls in this country. Remember the campaign whose slogan read: "No
reforms, no elections"?
Obviously this country actually needs truly principalled, steadfast,
thoughtful and determined persons and institutions supported by wise,
patriotic, and forward thinking people so as to instill a culture of
globally acceptable performance standards in the country's activities.
I don't know where you will find such persons because those who have the
chance today to do everything right, are continuously squandering their
chance. One opportunity which is being surpassed at high speed is the duty
to start, establish, and cement a strong culture and lasting tradition of
peaceful, civilised and institutionalized presidential succession without
which I suppose the spectre of conflict will always loom on this country.
That is a truth that is being avoided in the discussion about the long term
peace and stability of this country. Everything else is actually peripheral
to that.
However, by deciding to run in the last 2016 polls, all the candidates
basically displayed beyond any doubt that none of them was principalled
enough to stand and fight for the utmost standards of electoral democracy
The Ugandan people might be forgiven for thinking that this time the
leaders might have had something up their sleeves that would mean a
radically different election in terms of its fairness. It turns out that
the leaders were simply ready to knowingly join the electoral posturing.
"The rigged elections" as they called it.
If that is their true ambition, how will they be able to really lead this
entire country with its corrupt, thieving, opportunistic, tribalistic,
political class and empoverished citizenry in a fair and righteous manner
towards a free and prosperous tomorrow?
My fear is that at the critical point in time, most will clearly only
remember themselves, and their personal ambitions. That usually translates
to "clinging".
But my hope is that all persons who  see themselves as Ugandan leaders,
plus any new aspirants, including the Members of Parliament, let us all
take the decision to stop fuelling democratic mediocrity.
Let us first redress/upgrade together what the entire country, it's
judiciary, the region, the continent, the experts, and all overseas
development partners know is wrong with Uganda's governance system,
starting with the lack of fairness and pristine transparency in the
country's elections, especially the presidential race, followed by the
pressing necessity to establish real independent institutional governance
whereby every public servant is a professional in their specific job and
executes their duties exclusively based on terms of reference that abide by
minimum international standards of impartial and accountable public service.
We need to start establishing truthfully what the Ugandan people decide,
and we need to start abiding by the peoples true choices.
Isn't that the most critical point in democracy? The simplest way for
establishing durable peace and security, plus guaranteeing the most
favorable environment for economic growth? Possibly the best way to
deleting permanently any future political unrest? And thus securing for the
long term the lives and property of ourselves, every citizen, and every
guest and investor in this country?
All efforts to avoid addressing this matter merely amounts to eloquent
linguistically-enhanced myopia that can be equated to intellectualized
political monkeyism.
This country really needs prayers. Prayers to the Almighty that the evil
behind the torture of Ugandans by security agencies stops. Prayers that the
evil behind the stealing of the people's elections stops, that the evil
behind the rampant unscrupulous theft of public funds stops. That the evil
behind the mistreatment of political opponents stops. That the evil behind
the current spate of mysterious murders stops. That the evil behind the
politics of greed and envy stops. That the evil behind the current mass
massacre of citizens stops. That the evil behind the self-appropriation of
the country's natural resources stops. That the evil behind the tribalism
and nepotism in appointments in public service stops. That the evil behind
the prevailing inflation and economic collapse stops. That the evil behind
abuse of office stops. That the evil behind selfish unpatriotic
authoritianism stops. That the evil behind clinging to power stops.
I pray that Uganda turns the page to a new era where the voice of the
people truly counts. Where leaders become the people's servants again.
Where religions thrive without political prejudice or selective
persecution. I pray that we do not see any tribe being targeted, killed or
marginalized, and I pray we do not see any genocides or mass killings ever
again in Uganda. I pray that every Ugandan child has a chance to a good
education and a bright future. I pray that Ugandan mother's and all women
have access to life-saving medical attention. That all men and women get
the best opportunities that will improve their lives and that of their
children. That the elderly benefit from their pensions and minimum
meaningful care from their loved ones. And that the disabled will get more
practical support to help them cope and surmount the barriers that make
life less equitable for them. I pray that the new generation of Ugandans
rejects the politics of hatred and demonization that has plagued our
country and led it from one civil conflict to another in two decades of
conflict. I pray that the principles of justice and human rights find their
true meaning in governance and in all our communities around the country. I
pray that political succession is not left to become a new opportunity for
a frenzy of greed that results in death and destruction. I pray that every
Ugandan regains their  determination to see that what is right prevails,
and I pray that every Ugandan regains their faith and hope in a just and
fair future.
This, God Almighty, is my prayer today for this country.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Friday, 19/05/2016
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