First of all. Please wrap your lines at column 72 !!!

> I am trying to set up an automated mirroring of a small part of the NAI ftp server.
> The small part is just the directory of the antivirus updates.
> I tried to download the directory by automated ftp scripts (something like mget *.*) 
>but that means lots of waste, so I decided to try wget.
> I found the port to windows of the version 1.6 so I just put the executable in a 
>directory and tried to mirror a directory from a local ftp server here: it was ok.
> Then I prepared for the real mirroring, I just typed "wget -S 
>" and I noticed that at the end of the log, wget was trying to 
>download index.html while there was no reference to that file in the .listing, so I 
>had a look at the whole log using the -d option (and the attached file is the result 
>of that operation).

That's all what you're asking for: the listing of files in that
directory. wget converts it to a html index. 

You most likely want to do something like:
$ wget-dev -S -d -r -l 1 -np*
$ wget-dev -S -d*

That's it: retrieve all files referenced in the directory listing of
/datfiles/ or retrieve all files in the /datfiles/ directory.

Note that there seems to be an FTP parsing bug in wget 1.6 wrt MS FTP
server. This has been fixed in the 1.7-dev branch. Again look at the
web-site for instruccions (

$ wget-dev*
           => `.listing'
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD pub/antivirus/datfiles/4.x ... done.
==> PORT ... done.    ==> LIST ... done.

    0K -> .

23:08:25 (54.00 KB/s) - `.listing' saved [1106]

Removed `.listing'.
The sizes do not match (local 33580) -- retrieving.
           => `41054106.upd'
==> CWD not required.
==> PORT ... done.    ==> RETR 41054106.upd ... done.
Length: 109,312

    0K -> .......... .......

> Now I don't know if this is a bug or if there is the usual simple and big mistake I 
>am doing, so I thought to email someone... I tried to look for the mailing list 
>archives on the web but it seems I found an old link, so I thought to write here.
> I must say that I also thought that it was a problem of the win32 port of wget so I 
>downloaded the tarball and compiled in a redhat 6.2 machine here but the result is 
>exactely the same.
> I also tried to download some files in the listing, to see if the error was because 
>of read permission, and the files were downloaded correctly, and also the .listing is 
>created correctly, so I don't really know what to do.
> I hope I am not making you waste lots of time and excuse me for this terrible 
>english, and obviously thanks a lot.
> Emiliano
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                Name: wget-log
>    wget-log    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>            Encoding: base64

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HackLine                     +45 2031 7799

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