On 2001-09-13 11:16 +0200, Jan Hnila wrote:
> Hello!
> To be able to use the referer switch, you must have a new version of 
> wget - I'm not sure, if 1.6 is enough, 1.7 certainly is enough and 1.5.3 
> is not enough.(Get more info's from http://wget.sunsite.dk)
> The switch is --referer=URL
> Try to use it with the -d (debug) switch to see, that it works.
> For example:
>  wget -d --referer=http://wget.sunsite.dk/wgetdev.html  http://www.gnu.org
> Of course, adjust it to suit your needs. (And you can put this setting in 
> your wgetrc file,  if you want -just omit the "--".)

Guys, you don't understand what the OP wants. He needs a
dynamically generated referer, something like

  wget --referer 'http://%h/'

where, for each URL downloaded, wget would replace %h by the

André Majorel
Home: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/

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