Nic Ferrier wrote:
> >The official web-site is
> >Yes, there should be a link from the GNU site.
> >[List] how can it be added ?
> sign the project up on savannah (
> That will provide you with a nice management interface (based on CVS)
> for changing the wget tree.
> >$ wget --help
> >GNU Wget 1.7, a non-interactive network retriever.
> >Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
> >Download:
> >  -t,  --tries=3DNUMBER           set number of retries to NUMBER (0
> >                                  unlimits).
> >  -T,  --timeout=3DSECONDS        set the read timeout to SECONDS.
> >  -w,  --wait=3DSECONDS           wait SECONDS between retrievals.
> >       --waitretry=3DSECONDS      wait 1...SECONDS between retries of a
> >                                  retrieval.
> >Which of this were you using ?
> I tried sveral things, including:
>    wget -t 2 -T 10 -w 1
> But, be honest, is the -T option actually a *connect* timeout?

You're right it's not 8-(
$ wget -d -T 5
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.7 on cygwin.

parseurl ("";) -> host -> opath  ->
dir  -> file  -> ndir 
newpath: /
           => `index.html'
Connecting to 
connect: Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection
Closing fd 3

  (try: 2) => `index.html'
Connecting to 
[hack@DUR0N2000 webs]$ wget -d -T 5
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.7 on cygwin.

parseurl ("";) -> host -> opath  ->
dir  -> file  -> ndir 
newpath: /
           => `index.html'
Connecting to 

$ wget -d -T 5 http://hostname/
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.7-dev on linux-gnu.

parseurl ("http://hostname/";) -> host hostname -> opath  -> dir  ->
file  -> ndir 
newpath: /
--22:36:48--  http://hostname/
           => `index.html'
Connecting to hostname:80... Caching hostname <->

connect: Connection timed out
Closing fd 3

--22:39:58--  http://hostname/
  (try: 2) => `index.html'
Connecting to hostname:80... Found hostname in host_name_address_map:

Note: output edited "hostname" is a host that doesn't answer on port 80.
Two different systems on two different networks, that might explain the
difference in timeout times.

Well, Daniel Stenberg maybe you should try to get your cURL
implementation accepted. It's bad when other packages maintainers are
more active on the list that Wget's 8-(

> >And please the next time send bugreports including debug output (wget
> >-d =2E..)
> I don't think it would do you much good in this case... but I can send
> you one if you want.

Likely not, but it would include the Wget version and if that's not 1.7
then the standard recommendation would be to update. You'll be surpised
how many bug-reports there is related to older version like 1.5.3 or
even a couple to 1.4.5 8-)

> Nic

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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