On 2001-12-01 23:30 +0100, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> Here is the next 1.8 beta.  Please test it if you can -- try compiling
> it on your granma's Ultrix box, run it on your niece's flashy web
> site, see if cookies work, etc.
> Get it from:
>     ftp://gnjilux.srk.fer.hr/pub/unix/util/wget/.betas/wget-1.8-beta2.tar.gz

- NCR MP-RAS 3.0, x86, NCR High Performance C Compiler R3.0c
- FreeBSD 4.0, x86, GCC 2.95.2

Thanks !

André Majorel <URL:http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/>
(Not speaking for my employer, etc.)

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