On 17 Jan 2002 at 2:15, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

> Michael Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > WGet returns an error message when the .wgetrc file is terminated
> > with an MS-DOS end-of-file mark (Control-Z). MS-DOS is the
> > command-line language for all versions of Windows, so ignoring the
> > end-of-file mark would make sense.
> Ouch, I never thought of that.  Wget opens files in binary mode and
> handles the line termination manually -- but I never thought to handle
> ^Z.

Why not just open the wgetrc file in text mode using
fopen(name, "r") instead of "rb"? Does that introduce other

In the Windows C compilers I've tried (Microsoft and Borland ones),
"r" causes the file to be opened in text mode by default (there are
ways to override that at compile time and/or run time), and this
causes the ^Z to be treated as an EOF (there might be ways to
override that too).

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