
I am currently using wget 1.6, so what I'm writing about might have been
changed since 1.6. In that case, apologize, please.

Consider a host foo.bar with a dynamic IP (anytime  the  IP is  changed,
the  appropriate changes are  also made  to the corresponding DNS server

If I am using wget in that way:

   wget -cN ftp://foo.bar/file

and the IP is changed while downloading, all  following retries wouldn't
succeed - even if I specify  multiple files  from the same host  on  the
command line.

It seems that wget makes the  hostname->ip conversion  only once, at the
start and then always  tries  to connect  to the  same IP. An additional
command line option could solve the problem. Something like that:

   --dynamic-ip   Does the hostname->ip conversion on any new try.

thanks in advance.
and keep the good work!

c ya

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Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
                -- Mark Twain

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