Hello out there,

there is a bug (or a feature...) in the version 1.5.3
I discovered that every doubled slash (//) is converted to a single slash
(/) which might make sense for real file-paths, but which does not allow
me to retrieve an url like

                                        ^^ will be
            converted to http:/foo.bar which is not a valid url

this also does not work if the value for 'get_url'  is  url-encoded 
  as it should be.

Will the be fixed, or is this already fixed in current versions?

looking forward to hearing from you, Matthias "Jim" Knopf
NeT&Trade Internet Publisher GmbH
Tel:  +49-2241-204035
Fax:  +49-2241-204034
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Whoa...I did a 'zcat /vmlinuz > /dev/audio' and I think I heard God...

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