Matthias Jim Knopf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> there is a bug (or a feature...) in the version 1.5.3

Note that the latest version of Wget is 1.8.1.  I suggest you to
upgrade because the new version handles URLs much better.

> I discovered that every doubled slash (//) is converted to a single
> slash (/) which might make sense for real file-paths, but which does
> not allow me to retrieve an url like

This bug still exists in the latest version, but I plan to fix it
before the next release.

> http://my.server/some/file?get_url=
>                                         ^^ will be
>             converted to http:/ which is not a valid url
> this also does not work if the value for 'get_url'  is  url-encoded 
> as it should be.

1.8.1 handles this correctly when quoted.  For example:

$ wget -d ''
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.8.1 on linux-gnu.
---request begin---
GET /?foo=http%2f%2fbar/baz HTTP/1.0

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