"James C. McMaster (Jim)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Several" does not begin to describe it.  This has been going on for
> a long time, and it is several per day.  This has been discussed for
> weeks, and you have never before expressed any inclination to "work
> on" the problem.

You are confusing my disagreement with your proposed solution with
disinclination to do anything.

> I do appreciate your effort in creating the list

When I said "creating the resource", I didn't mean the list, but Wget
itself.  The list was created and maintained by the good people at

> Not likely.  If I need to access the list, I will resubscribe.  If I want 
> support, I will exert the miniscule effort to send an email to the right 
> place.  I do not see why you feel that to be an onerous task.

Because I don't want to be forced to subscribe to a mailing list to
get help.  Mailing lists are not newsgroups; they are considerably
harder to subscribe/unsubscribe, and the incoming traffic is generally
harder to deal with.

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