This could be a great resource, but (I hate to say this) it has been rendered 
more trouble than it is worth by the stubbornness and stupidity of the owner. 
 He has turned a deaf ear to all pleas to do something, ANYTHING, to stop the 
flood of spam, viruses and annoyances posted to the list.  This is the one 
and only mailing list that still maintains this policy, which worked in a 
now-passed, more innocent age.  Because of that policy, this is the only list 
which bombards me with junk email.

In order to preserve the ability of some hypothetical people who cannot be 
bothered to subscribe in order to post bugs, he is ruining this list for 
everyone who does have the interest/intelligence to subscribe.

wget is a great tool.  I will continue to use it without support, because 
getting support is more trouble than it is worth.

The "good riddance" is not aimed at the terrific people who volunteer their 
time to answer questions.  It is aimed at (1) the spammers who have ruined 
this list and (2) the idiot list owner who has let it happen and refuses to 
do anything about it.
Jim McMaster

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