I think wget needs sometimes (often) to reread what it wrote to the disk
(html conversion). This means something like that wouldn't work, or better,
would be to specialized.

What would work better is a (sometimes requested in the past) switch to
output to a file a list of everything retrieved (or better everything saved
to disk), then you could use that (for example as input to cpio or whatever
you prefer).


-- Via Ferretto, 1            ph  x39-041-5907073
-- I-31021 Mogliano V.to (TV) fax x39-041-5907472

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Max Waterman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:54 PM
> Subject: RFE:add tar option
> Hi,
> I recently had need to pipe what wget retrieved through a 
> command before 
> writing to disk. There was no way I could do this with the 
> version I had.
> What I would like to wget to do is to create a tar stream of 
> the files 
> and directories it is downloading and send that to stdout, 
> kind of like :
> tar -cvvf - files...
> then I could pipe that into whatever I wanted, for example :
> $ wget -r -l 3 --tar 'http://www.sgi.com/' | other commands | 
> tar -xvvf -
> Anyone think this is a good idea?
> Please 'cc' me, since I am not on the email list.
> Thanks.
> Max.

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