On 03/06/2002 14:56:47 dale wrote:

>wget ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/folder1/folder2/*s.csv
>I get an error message of "no match" and if I use:
>wget --glob=on ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/folder1/folder2/*s.csv
>I also get "no match"

In the future, please post the output with the -d switch added.
(did you read the instructions ?)

>The Mac machine I am using for testing is behind our firewall, but there
>a "hole" opened to allow my internal IP to reach the specific remote IP.

Because you didn't include the output with the -d switch, I'm guessing.
Do you use a proxy to go through the firewall ? A lot of proxies issue
HTTP requests even for FTP. HTTP cannot glob.

>p.s. The reply-to address has been anti-spammed (I hope anyway), please
>post any replies to the list.

Somebody at Ultimate Search (the owner of nospam.net) will be mightily
surprised. What you did can be interpreted as email address forgery.
Please in the future use addresses which end in .invalid (this top level
domain is guaranteed to always be, err, invalid), e.g.

Csaba Ráduly, Software Engineer                           Sophos Anti-Virus
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        http://www.sophos.com
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