> To invoke html examples they use calls like (just the first example):
> http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic

What filename did you expect for this ?
-> tryit.asp
-> tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
-> tryhtml_basic

> Wget saves a file and a directory with this very name, but it gets 
> stuck at this one:

-> tryit_edit.asp
-> tryit_edit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic

The Problem is gernal how should wget know what parameter are relevant 
to put them in the filename or not.
Also you can see it sometime on first look it is not so easy for an 
And the hardest problem you would become if you got on an page where 
someone do not wan't that you download anithing.

Hard to get the pictures

Extrem hard to get anything

On the last page i think you have with wget anchance near 0% to get the 

Cu Thomas

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