Dominique wrote:
> Hi,
> Step-by-step what I did:
> CVS => a lot of breaks during checking out

What breaks?

> make -f Makefile.cvs => ./config.status: /po/ No such file
> or directory

I got this when I forced autoconf 2.53a. Fortunately on Cygwin, we have
auto-selecting autotools versions, so I just let it use autoconf 2.13 instead.

I am sending a tarball of pre-autoconfed source code to you off-list.

> ./configure, make => OK
> I run wget -b -t 50 -r -p --convert-links --no-parent -U "Mozilla/5.0
> (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
> files are downloaded with %xxxx instead of slashes (hip hip HURRA!). I
> see & instead of & in the sources just sometimes (why not always?)

In the html source? & is a visible &-sign. & introduces a character entity,
and is, strictly speaking, incorrect on its own. (But most browsers will
tolerate it.)

> * Mozilla won't load the first example
> tryit_edit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic from a calling page

Try the source I sent you.


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