>No changes... I did run autoconf, so you could go straight to configure (as you
>have too new an autoconf version).
it compiled just fine now

>Something has just occurred to me: by default, wget defaults to recursion
>resticted to 5 levels. Perhaps that is the problem?
>If so, an -l0 will fix it.
well i dont think so. i have all the files on my disk, but there is 
confusion with names (filenames vs html content vs mozilla 
interpretation). The directory I am downloading is 2 levels at most anyway.

>If not, could you have another go at describing it?
1) some filenames are not consistent (although there are no slashes 
anymore): names on disk, names in html code and names mozilla shows or wants

2) "mother" script to dynamically generate example files was not found 
(neither by wget nor by hand), I mean the asp file used to generate 
?filename stuff. This has to do with the site's structure I guess, but I 
may be wrong.

I think rather than explaining again the whole big story, it would be 
easier if someone more experienced with wget than me tried to get the 
/html structure of the site I practice hacking on, or at least those 3 
files I described lately. If you want to test wget against it, of 
course, otherwise I will be giving up here.

thank you


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