
I'm investigating this as a proxy server problem.  When I ran some tests, it
appeared as though the HEAD command from wget was getting "translated" into
a series of commands to query the size, MDMT of the file, etc., but then I
was seeing a STOR command come from the proxy server, which was getting
failed by the FTP server.  If you'd like to co-ordinate some tests off-list,
we can see if something similar is happening to you.

Do you know what proxy server you are using?

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Deragon (QA/LMC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: wget: ftp through http proxy not working with 1.8.2. It doe
s wo rk with 1.5.3

Hi again.

  Some people have reported experiencing the same problem, but nobody from
the development team has forwarded a comment on this.  Anybody can tell us
if this is bug or some config issue?

Hans Deragon

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Deragon (LMC) 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:11 PM
> Subject: wget: ftp through http proxy not working with 1.8.2. 
> It does wo
> rk with 1.5.3
> Greetings.
>   I read many emails in different archives on the net 
> regarding my isssue, but never found a solution to my 
> problem.  Here is the description:
>   I am trying to mirror an ftp site though and http proxy.  I 
> have the following setting on both my RH machine running wget 
> 1.8.2 and Solaris machine running wget 1.5.3 (actual 
> /etc/wgetrc file is the same on both machine and I do not 
> have ~/.wgetrc on any of the machines):
> http_proxy = http://proxy.hostname.com:80/
> ftp_proxy = http://proxy.hostname.com:80/
> use_proxy = on
>   Ok, proxy.hostname.com is not the real URL I use, but 
> believe me that the one I am using is the right one.  The 
> port numbers are valid and only port 80 is opened, thus both 
> http and ftp request most go through port 80.
>   Now, when I run say:
>     wget --mirror -np --cut-dirs=2 ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists/
>   On my RH machine running wget 1.8.2, only the index.html 
> file is downloaded.  On my Solaris machine running wget 
> 1.5.3, all the files under pub/wordlists get downloaded.
>   Anybody got a clue what the problem is?  Is it that wget 
> 1.8.2 is more compliant to a standard and my proxy is bogus 
> and I am just lucky it works with version 1.5.3?  Is there a 
> configuartion parameter missing in my /etc/wgetrc?  Or is it 
> a known problem with version 1.8.2?  I am a newbie with wget, 
> so the mistake is probably on my side, but I cannot figure what it is.
> Regards,
> Hans Deragon

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